Tuesday 7/27/10 7hrs sleep, no nap. ugh
11am Snatch (yes, squat) 70% 1x8@30seconds, 2min rest 80% 1x8@30sec used 75 and 85lbs. Felt good. No misses.
230pm "Roy" 20:56 w 155# deads& 24" bx jmps. 125 total pullups & no rips!
I jumped up and then stepped down for all box jumps. No rest during the 20, but obvio usly I moved faster through some than others. Here is the breakdown for how I split up the deads and pullups per round as well as my split for that round:
Rnd 1 deads 15 pullups 25 2:40
Rnd 2 deads 9/6 pullups 11/7/7 7:45 (5:05)
Rnd 3 deads 9/6 pullups 11/7/7 13ish (5:15ish)
Rnd 4 deads 9/6 pullups 11/7/7 17:45 (4:45ish)
Rnd 5 deads 9/6 pullups 16/9 20:56 (3:11)
Felt good. Definitely will pull more sets of 15 in the deads next time. I'm ready for it.
Wednesday: Rest day 7hrs sleep, 1.5hr nap on chiro table in gym
Thursday 7/29/10 7 hrs sleep +40 min nap
Squat clean and push jerk 70% 1x8@30seconds, 2min rest 80% 1x8@30sec Used 98lbs and then 113lbs. Felt good for both. No misses.
530pm class Random WOD
65lbs push press all unbroken, K2E unbroken...ball slams are mentally tiring.
Was on pace for sub 10, but fell off after round 8 or 9 10:22 overall. I'll take it.
PM WOD w/530 class I used 65lbs push press and completed unbroken. 10lbs slam ball and unbroken k2e. 10:22 overall. Was on pace for sub 10 until round 8 or 9 and lost rhythm.
Hang snatch 70% 1x8@30seconds, 2-3minutes rest (started talking opps) 80% 1x8@30sec
70% was 65lbs-no misses easy. 80% I missed on number three, but just lack of focus I ended up doing 9 at 80% to make up for the third missed rep.
Max rep back squats at 50% max (85lbs) for 30 seconds at the top of every 90 seconds
I was dreading this and felt a bit stiff getting into the bottom, but I am always glad when it is over. I find it sickly fun honestly. 17/17/16/16=66 total Corey said, "you're finally doing it right, you're not getting faster as you go!" haha Me and my endurance approach.
Saturday 7/31/10 7hrs sleep
10am Hang clean 70% 1x8@30seconds, 2 minutes rest 80% 1x8@30sec
70% was 95lbs-felt good. 80% was 110lbs also solid. Focused on pushing my knees out by lifting my arches to stand. I am a bit sore from back squats yesterday, but still able to stand out of the FS quite well.
Max rep shoulder press @ 70% max/projected max in 30sec at the top of every 3 minutes
Used 70lbs as I will press 100lbs this year! Rounds were: 11/10/9/9: 39 total reps
I would complete about 80% of the reps in the first 15 seconds and my form would break down for the last 2-4 reps. I could feel myself arching my low back somewhat. Corey also said I was pushing my head forward and craning my neck.
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