Made the last minute decision to run the Belle Chere 5k today. I was still unsure if I was going to do it as I drove into town. I could certainly tell I was run down, but it was a good stimulus nonetheless...
mile 1: 705 (30 sec slower than last year)
mile 2: 14:29 (about 45 sec slower)
Overall: 22:16
Nearly two minutes slower than last year, but many that ran this year and last said the same...more like a minute slower for others. The finish line was moved back to a different street and the word around town is that they neglected to move up the start line. So either last year's course was short or this year's was long. My legs were tired from squatting yesterday and lost of heavy deads earlier this week. My sleep has been poor to adequately recover. My running is still far stronger than the majority of other female crossfitters and I am presently more interested in gaining strength especially with deadlifting and squatting that getting faster over a 5k distance. Next spring and summer I WILL be largely focused on race specific training for a solid mile in the fall!
On a positive note this is the first time I was able to wear my vibram five fingers for more than a mile. I wore them in the other 5k I ran back in June and ended up pulling them off the last 1/2 mile or so as it was the weekend before the SE Regionals and I was paranoid that all the skin was rubbing off the bottom of my foot. It was a little red, but no skin lost.
The race was at 8am and then at 9am I jumped into the CFA class for the following WOD:
AMRAP in 20 minutes of:
400m run, 12 pull-ups (chest to bar) 24 single arm dumbbell push-press (12 per arm w/25lbs)
Completed 5 rounds+200m run.
Immediately following the 2o minutes we had 3 minutes to find a 3 rep max in shoulder press
I first pressed 80lbsx3 and then through on 2.5lbs and put up 85lbsx3. Felt good and is only 5 lbs under my 3 rep max!
Sunday 07/28/10 sleep 7.5 hrs sleep
Back squat: Despite my legs being heavy and tired yesterday for th 5k and then WOD. Plus not sleeping super great this week...my mind wanted to go for a new back squat 5 rep. I started warming up to see what various weights would feel like and then completely acknowledged my legs were spent and that I was mentally second guessing myself even with every warm up lift. Thus, I would only be setting myself up for failure. Instead I did:
2x12 @ 60% at the top of every 30 seconds: 108lbs felt pretty good, but certainly NOT the fastest I have every stood up.
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