Wednesday 7/14/10 6hrs sleep, 20 min nap
WOD only after 630pm class, solo.
3 rounds
7 deadlifts @ 155lbs
7 burpees
5 burpees
3 DLs
3 burpees
Rnd 1 ~ 1:23, 3:4something, 4:13 overall. Felt relaxed. I just kept moving.
530pm Hang snatch 1x8@ 70% (65lbs) at the top of every 30 seconds, 2 min rest, 1x8@80% (75lbs) @ every 30 seconds. No misses felt good!
Thrusters w/630pm class
45lbsx5, 75lbsx5, 85lbsx3, 95lbsx3, 105lbsx5. I do not know if this is a 5RM, but for now it is. Felt good. A little tired and thus hard to focus.
WOD w/class. "Farmer Annie" Annie 50/40/30/20/10 double unders and situps w/100m farmer's carry in b/w each set. 35lbs kb in ea. hand. 11:49.
New record of 50 consecutive DUs in the first round. I thought about doing more, but will save it.
Completed 10 unassisted chest to bar pullups with pronated grip and 10 ring dips with no elbow pain! I have been doing my stretches. Corey is proud although still says I am not doing them frequently enough. Progress nonetheless.
Friday 7/16/10 5hrs sleep, 10 min cat nap before...
CrossFit.com Hero WOD "Johnson" AMRAP in 20 minutes of: 9 deadlifts (165lbs) 8 muscle ups 9 squat cleans (105lbs)
Round 1: 4:30
Round 2: 10
Round 3: 15:10
Round 4: 19:50
+2 DLs
Felt good. Especially considering this is my 4th day and considered resting. Tomorrow for sure. Lots of MUs and DLs this week. No misses on MUs. Did deads straight on Rnds 1/3/4. Didn't need to rest on the 2nd. Just was unsure of how I was feeling. A good week of training.
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