Saturday, July 24, 2010

Fatigue=mental breakdown

Thursday July 22, 5-6hrs no nap
Feeling pretty good from yesterday, but not a whole lot of motivation. I'm tired and a bit run down this week. My body needs like 9hrs a sleep a day at least to recover from those heavy deads. A few hours after that 7 minute AMRAP I had a huge appetite for the first time in a while. I eat regularly, but half the time I never REALLY feel hungry when I eat. I find this to be true when I am eating mostly well, as I am not experiencing those drastic rise and falls in my sugar levels from eating shit.

Strength/Skill: Power clean and Split Jerk (alternating lead legs)
8x1@30seconds @ 70% max (103lbs), 2 minute rest 8x1@30seonds @ 80% max (115lbs)

Friday, poor sleep ~4hrs, no nap
Should have made the decision to rest, but instead decided to join Corey in the following WOD
5 rounds of:
2 muscle-ups, 4 strict handstand push-ups, 6 double KB swings (35lbs), 8 front squats @ 95lbs
Bad mood before I started which should have been my sign to not even start.
Round 1: ~1:30 and then I basically stopped "trying" and instead just moved slow causally grumbling Negative Nancy thoughts to myself.
In 13:55 I completed 4 rounds and called it. I completed all squats unbroken and HSPUs are always a good stimulus for me, as I certainly do not work them enough. Also, I stopped the double KB after rnd 1 as I didn't feel I was stabilizing my low back enough and instead switched to 8 American swings with the 53lbs for the 2-4 rounds. I had horrible thoughts going through my head and coming out of my mouth the whole time, "sometimes I wish I was just doing tricep pull downs again where my only goal was to have that horse-shoe tricep look." I don't really mean that, but when I'm grumpy I can compete with some of the most negative minds out there. I'll be reflecting on this further in the future. In positive notes I didn't miss any muscle ups and the squats were all unbroken. I look forward to killing this time with the full 5 rounds in the future!

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