Sunday 7/18/10
AM: CFG 2010 WOD
7 Rounds of:
3 Power cleans @ 135lbs
4 strict handstand pushups from 45lbs plates.
First round in under a minute and then it got ugly. 12 minute cap during which I hit only 3 rounds +cleans and 2 HSPUs.
No misses on the cleans though which is good considering I have only completed a PR at 150lbs once and 145lbs twice previously.
PM: Team WOD
See photo of me and Corey going head to head with wall balls. It was a ton of fun. I rowed 4 sets of 250m and was able to hold in the 2:40s well even down around 2:43 for some of it. Rowing break through? Gotta maintain it for some 500s first!
Monday: Rest day 5 hrs sleep + 3 hr nap
Tuesday: 7/20/10 ~7hrs sleep, no nap
Power snatch
1x8 @ 70% every 30 sec (60lbs)
2 min rest
1x8 @ 80% every 30 sec (70lbs)
No misses; felt good. Working on eliminating the donkey kick. I'll look to record a few and check myself next time.
Deadlift/Pistol WOD from 2010 Games
AMRAP in 7 minutes of:
7 deadlifts @ 205lbs, 15m run across gym, 14 pistols, 21 double unders, 10-15m run back to bar
Rnd 1: 7 straight deads(0:27) 1:19 end of pistols(7 straight ea. side) 1:49 back to bar
Rnd 2 5/2 2:41 (:52) 3:44 end of pistols (4 on ea. 3 on ea.) 4:10 back to bar
Rnd 3 4/3 5:19 (1:09)/6:15 end of pistols (4 on ea. 3 on ea.) 6:38 back to bar
2 deads in 7 min Quit a bit early. The last dead didn't feel smooth so no need to push.
Great WOD. Suprised myself today. I was mentally ready to be on the bar for the deadlifts for a long time. I did not expect to pull 7 straight first set, but felt good doing so. Moved through the pistols comfortably. No misses. Did miss a bit on doubles. Lack of focus I guess starting to think about the deads coming up. I feel like I definitely could have finished that 4th round in a competition setting rather than me in my gym. Granted, I am fairly fresh though.
Was not motivated to WOD today, and originally planned on doing the middle couplet of the last WOD at the Games 3 Rnds of 30 toes to bar, 21 ground to overhead w/ 65lbs, but this is where I am strong. No need to practice this at the moment. MUST WORK WEAKNESSES!
7/21/10 5hrs sleep, 40min nap
WOD w/630 class
Max rep ring dips in 30 seconds @ the top of every 4 minutes. Used purple band
90 seconds row for max calories
30 seconds rest
60 seconds max rep kettlebell squat clean, left arm
30 seconds rest
60 seconds max rep kettlebell squat clean, right arm
30 seconds rest
30 seconds max rep toes to bar
30 seconds rest
Complete 3 total rounds.
Used 30lbs KB. Rounds were as follows
Rnd 1 24/17/17/17
Rnd 2 22/17/17/16
Rnd 3 19/14/15/17
For a total of 212. Just realized that I totaled my numbers wrong earlier on the CFA results. Oh well. This was a hard WOD. One day the row and I will be friends. One day.
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