Monday, August 2, 2010

new deadlift 5 RM, new back sqt 5RM, 2010 Games MU/Snatch WOD

Sunday 8/1/10
1030am 9hrs sleep. ahh!
Deadlift 5 rep max day
5x45lbs, 5x88lbs, 5x135lbs, 3x185lbs (felt heavy), 1x205lbs, 5x225lbs 12lbs PR

3pm 2.5hr hike with Corey and Dale
LOTS of uphill climbing up Green Knob. We never found the top. We turned around @ 4:45pm as we needed to get home.

Monday 8/2/10 7hrs sleep, 1.5hr nap
First day of my "Project Fran"
21 thrusters @ 66lbs (kg bar) in 0:56, 21 chest to bar pullups in 1:42 overall (missed chest on last rep...truth be told). Next week I'll either look to do this 21/21 faster OR will do the 21/21 and follow it up immediately with 3-5/3-5 and progressively add. My goal is to be able to get through 21/21/15/15 in under 2:30

Tuesday 8/3/10 7hrs, no nap
Back squat 5 rep max
5.45lbs, 5x75lbs, 3x120lbs, 1x150lbs, 5x160lbs 12lbs PR! Chest dropping a bit, but overall felt good.
Games 2010 WOD #1
9-7-5 muscle-ups rings set to finger tip reach and snatch at 95lbs here is my rep set:
Muscle-ups 3/1/1/1/F/F/2/1 3:10
Snatch 1/F/1/F/1/1/1/1/1/1/1
Muscle-ups 3/2/1/1 9:20
Snatch 1/1/1/1/F/1/1/1 12 minutes
stopped 30s or so to tape wrists
Muscle-ups 3/1/1
Snatch 1/1/1/1/1
15:45 overall. I'll take it. This will be a good WOD for me to repeat in a few months. I can hit muscles ups, but still need to get faster at higher reps!

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