Friday, July 30, 2010

Max rep back sqts & shoulder press, "Roy"

Monday 7/26/10 Rest day...calves still tight

Tuesday 7/27/10 7hrs sleep, no nap. ugh
11am Snatch (yes, squat) 70% 1x8@30seconds, 2min rest 80% 1x8@30sec used 75 and 85lbs. Felt good. No misses.
230pm "Roy" 20:56 w 155# deads& 24" bx jmps. 125 total pullups & no rips!
I jumped up and then stepped down for all box jumps. No rest during the 20, but obvio usly I moved faster through some than others. Here is the breakdown for how I split up the deads and pullups per round as well as my split for that round:
Rnd 1 deads 15 pullups 25 2:40
Rnd 2 deads 9/6 pullups 11/7/7 7:45 (5:05)
Rnd 3 deads 9/6 pullups 11/7/7 13ish (5:15ish)
Rnd 4 deads 9/6 pullups 11/7/7 17:45 (4:45ish)
Rnd 5 deads 9/6 pullups 16/9 20:56 (3:11)
Felt good. Definitely will pull more sets of 15 in the deads next time. I'm ready for it.

Wednesday: Rest day 7hrs sleep, 1.5hr nap on chiro table in gym

Thursday 7/29/10 7 hrs sleep +40 min nap
Squat clean and push jerk 70% 1x8@30seconds, 2min rest 80% 1x8@30sec Used 98lbs and then 113lbs. Felt good for both. No misses.
530pm class Random WOD
65lbs push press all unbroken, K2E unbroken...ball slams are mentally tiring.
Was on pace for sub 10, but fell off after round 8 or 9 10:22 overall. I'll take it.

PM WOD w/530 class I used 65lbs push press and completed unbroken. 10lbs slam ball and unbroken k2e. 10:22 overall. Was on pace for sub 10 until round 8 or 9 and lost rhythm.

Friday 7/30/10, 230pm, 6 hrs sleep been up since 345am. It's been a long week.
Hang snatch 70% 1x8@30seconds, 2-3minutes rest (started talking opps) 80% 1x8@30sec
70% was 65lbs-no misses easy. 80% I missed on number three, but just lack of focus I ended up doing 9 at 80% to make up for the third missed rep.

Max rep back squats at 50% max (85lbs) for 30 seconds at the top of every 90 seconds
I was dreading this and felt a bit stiff getting into the bottom, but I am always glad when it is over. I find it sickly fun honestly. 17/17/16/16=66 total Corey said, "you're finally doing it right, you're not getting faster as you go!" haha Me and my endurance approach.

Saturday 7/31/10 7hrs sleep
10am Hang clean 70% 1x8@30seconds, 2 minutes rest 80% 1x8@30sec
70% was 95lbs-felt good. 80% was 110lbs also solid. Focused on pushing my knees out by lifting my arches to stand. I am a bit sore from back squats yesterday, but still able to stand out of the FS quite well.
Max rep shoulder press @ 70% max/projected max in 30sec at the top of every 3 minutes
Used 70lbs as I will press 100lbs this year! Rounds were: 11/10/9/9: 39 total reps
I would complete about 80% of the reps in the first 15 seconds and my form would break down for the last 2-4 reps. I could feel myself arching my low back somewhat. Corey also said I was pushing my head forward and craning my neck.

Tuesday, July 27, 2010

Belle Chere 5k, WOD, REST

07/24/10 7+hrs sleep, still tired!
Made the last minute decision to run the Belle Chere 5k today. I was still unsure if I was going to do it as I drove into town. I could certainly tell I was run down, but it was a good stimulus nonetheless...
mile 1: 705 (30 sec slower than last year)
mile 2: 14:29 (about 45 sec slower)
Overall: 22:16
Nearly two minutes slower than last year, but many that ran this year and last said the same...more like a minute slower for others. The finish line was moved back to a different street and the word around town is that they neglected to move up the start line. So either last year's course was short or this year's was long. My legs were tired from squatting yesterday and lost of heavy deads earlier this week. My sleep has been poor to adequately recover. My running is still far stronger than the majority of other female crossfitters and I am presently more interested in gaining strength especially with deadlifting and squatting that getting faster over a 5k distance. Next spring and summer I WILL be largely focused on race specific training for a solid mile in the fall!
On a positive note this is the first time I was able to wear my vibram five fingers for more than a mile. I wore them in the other 5k I ran back in June and ended up pulling them off the last 1/2 mile or so as it was the weekend before the SE Regionals and I was paranoid that all the skin was rubbing off the bottom of my foot. It was a little red, but no skin lost.
The race was at 8am and then at 9am I jumped into the CFA class for the following WOD:
AMRAP in 20 minutes of:
400m run, 12 pull-ups (chest to bar) 24 single arm dumbbell push-press (12 per arm w/25lbs)
Completed 5 rounds+200m run.
Immediately following the 2o minutes we had 3 minutes to find a 3 rep max in shoulder press
I first pressed 80lbsx3 and then through on 2.5lbs and put up 85lbsx3. Felt good and is only 5 lbs under my 3 rep max!

Sunday 07/28/10 sleep 7.5 hrs sleep
Back squat: Despite my legs being heavy and tired yesterday for th 5k and then WOD. Plus not sleeping super great this mind wanted to go for a new back squat 5 rep. I started warming up to see what various weights would feel like and then completely acknowledged my legs were spent and that I was mentally second guessing myself even with every warm up lift. Thus, I would only be setting myself up for failure. Instead I did:
2x12 @ 60% at the top of every 30 seconds: 108lbs felt pretty good, but certainly NOT the fastest I have every stood up.

Saturday, July 24, 2010

Fatigue=mental breakdown

Thursday July 22, 5-6hrs no nap
Feeling pretty good from yesterday, but not a whole lot of motivation. I'm tired and a bit run down this week. My body needs like 9hrs a sleep a day at least to recover from those heavy deads. A few hours after that 7 minute AMRAP I had a huge appetite for the first time in a while. I eat regularly, but half the time I never REALLY feel hungry when I eat. I find this to be true when I am eating mostly well, as I am not experiencing those drastic rise and falls in my sugar levels from eating shit.

Strength/Skill: Power clean and Split Jerk (alternating lead legs)
8x1@30seconds @ 70% max (103lbs), 2 minute rest 8x1@30seonds @ 80% max (115lbs)

Friday, poor sleep ~4hrs, no nap
Should have made the decision to rest, but instead decided to join Corey in the following WOD
5 rounds of:
2 muscle-ups, 4 strict handstand push-ups, 6 double KB swings (35lbs), 8 front squats @ 95lbs
Bad mood before I started which should have been my sign to not even start.
Round 1: ~1:30 and then I basically stopped "trying" and instead just moved slow causally grumbling Negative Nancy thoughts to myself.
In 13:55 I completed 4 rounds and called it. I completed all squats unbroken and HSPUs are always a good stimulus for me, as I certainly do not work them enough. Also, I stopped the double KB after rnd 1 as I didn't feel I was stabilizing my low back enough and instead switched to 8 American swings with the 53lbs for the 2-4 rounds. I had horrible thoughts going through my head and coming out of my mouth the whole time, "sometimes I wish I was just doing tricep pull downs again where my only goal was to have that horse-shoe tricep look." I don't really mean that, but when I'm grumpy I can compete with some of the most negative minds out there. I'll be reflecting on this further in the future. In positive notes I didn't miss any muscle ups and the squats were all unbroken. I look forward to killing this time with the full 5 rounds in the future!

Tuesday, July 20, 2010

Saturday 7/17/10: Rest day

Sunday 7/18/10
AM: CFG 2010 WOD
7 Rounds of:
3 Power cleans @ 135lbs
4 strict handstand pushups from 45lbs plates.
First round in under a minute and then it got ugly. 12 minute cap during which I hit only 3 rounds +cleans and 2 HSPUs.
No misses on the cleans though which is good considering I have only completed a PR at 150lbs once and 145lbs twice previously.
PM: Team WOD
See photo of me and Corey going head to head with wall balls. It was a ton of fun. I rowed 4 sets of 250m and was able to hold in the 2:40s well even down around 2:43 for some of it. Rowing break through? Gotta maintain it for some 500s first!

Monday: Rest day 5 hrs sleep + 3 hr nap

Tuesday: 7/20/10 ~7hrs sleep, no nap
Power snatch
1x8 @ 70% every 30 sec (60lbs)
2 min rest
1x8 @ 80% every 30 sec (70lbs)
No misses; felt good. Working on eliminating the donkey kick. I'll look to record a few and check myself next time.

Deadlift/Pistol WOD from 2010 Games
AMRAP in 7 minutes of:
7 deadlifts @ 205lbs, 15m run across gym, 14 pistols, 21 double unders, 10-15m run back to bar
Rnd 1: 7 straight deads(0:27) 1:19 end of pistols(7 straight ea. side) 1:49 back to bar
Rnd 2 5/2 2:41 (:52) 3:44 end of pistols (4 on ea. 3 on ea.) 4:10 back to bar
Rnd 3 4/3 5:19 (1:09)/6:15 end of pistols (4 on ea. 3 on ea.) 6:38 back to bar
2 deads in 7 min Quit a bit early. The last dead didn't feel smooth so no need to push.

Great WOD. Suprised myself today. I was mentally ready to be on the bar for the deadlifts for a long time. I did not expect to pull 7 straight first set, but felt good doing so. Moved through the pistols comfortably. No misses. Did miss a bit on doubles. Lack of focus I guess starting to think about the deads coming up. I feel like I definitely could have finished that 4th round in a competition setting rather than me in my gym. Granted, I am fairly fresh though.
Was not motivated to WOD today, and originally planned on doing the middle couplet of the last WOD at the Games 3 Rnds of 30 toes to bar, 21 ground to overhead w/ 65lbs, but this is where I am strong. No need to practice this at the moment. MUST WORK WEAKNESSES!

7/21/10 5hrs sleep, 40min nap
WOD w/630 class
Max rep ring dips in 30 seconds @ the top of every 4 minutes. Used purple band

90 seconds row for max calories

30 seconds rest

60 seconds max rep kettlebell squat clean, left arm

30 seconds rest

60 seconds max rep kettlebell squat clean, right arm

30 seconds rest

30 seconds max rep toes to bar

30 seconds rest

Complete 3 total rounds.

Used 30lbs KB. Rounds were as follows

Rnd 1 24/17/17/17

Rnd 2 22/17/17/16

Rnd 3 19/14/15/17

For a total of 212. Just realized that I totaled my numbers wrong earlier on the CFA results. Oh well. This was a hard WOD. One day the row and I will be friends. One day.

Thursday, July 15, 2010

Deadlift WODs, Hang snatch work

Wednesday 7/14/10 6hrs sleep, 20 min nap
WOD only after 630pm class, solo.
3 rounds
7 deadlifts @ 155lbs
7 burpees
5 burpees
3 DLs
3 burpees
Rnd 1 ~ 1:23, 3:4something, 4:13 overall. Felt relaxed. I just kept moving.

Thursday 7/15/10 6hrs sleep+1.5hr nap
530pm Hang snatch 1x8@ 70% (65lbs) at the top of every 30 seconds, 2 min rest, 1x8@80% (75lbs) @ every 30 seconds. No misses felt good!

Thrusters w/630pm class
45lbsx5, 75lbsx5, 85lbsx3, 95lbsx3, 105lbsx5. I do not know if this is a 5RM, but for now it is. Felt good. A little tired and thus hard to focus.
WOD w/class. "Farmer Annie" Annie 50/40/30/20/10 double unders and situps w/100m farmer's carry in b/w each set. 35lbs kb in ea. hand. 11:49.
New record of 50 consecutive DUs in the first round. I thought about doing more, but will save it.

Completed 10 unassisted chest to bar pullups with pronated grip and 10 ring dips with no elbow pain! I have been doing my stretches. Corey is proud although still says I am not doing them frequently enough. Progress nonetheless.

Friday 7/16/10 5hrs sleep, 10 min cat nap before... Hero WOD "Johnson" AMRAP in 20 minutes of: 9 deadlifts (165lbs) 8 muscle ups 9 squat cleans (105lbs)
Round 1: 4:30
Round 2: 10
Round 3: 15:10
Round 4: 19:50
+2 DLs
Felt good. Especially considering this is my 4th day and considered resting. Tomorrow for sure. Lots of MUs and DLs this week. No misses on MUs. Did deads straight on Rnds 1/3/4. Didn't need to rest on the 2nd. Just was unsure of how I was feeling. A good week of training.

Tuesday, July 13, 2010

Pull-ups Max reps in 30 seconds
at the top of every 3 minutes.
I used the BLUE BAND. My left elbow has been bothering me and I keep asking Corey to work on my & he keeps asking me if I have been doing my stretches (ans: No/not enough). So, he won't work on me until I do. (No advantages to being married to a manual therapist for this girl.) Then, I told him that I have done less than 10 pullups in probably the last month b/c it is not that it hurts much at all, but I am paranoid that it will develop into more of a problem if not addressed. He told me to use a band and I admit that I flipped out a bit. "I don't use bands." Then, I realized that my ego was getting in my own way. Opps. I normally do not feel I am this way, but definitely at this point I caught myself. And, so I did a total of 74 pullups with the blue band and most importantly without PAIN!
Round 1: 16
Round 2: 16
Round 3: 20
Round 4: 22

I do not know what i was doing the first two rounds except for maybe worrying about the clock, as I had Carly and Lauren calling the time on the second two. Felt good. Pulled lower sternum (below the boobs) to the bar every rep. Held myself accountable for it. Also used a pronated grip which is my weaker grip.

300pm No nap.
Dynamic effort back squats @ 60% 108lbs 2x12 @ the top of every 30 seconds.
As many rounds as possible in 8 minutes of:
4 muscle-ups
8 power snatch (M-115lbs, W-75lbs)
4 Rnds+3 Muscle-ups

Sunday, July 11, 2010

Saturday 7/10/10 6 hrs sleep. Tired.
Dynamic effort front squats 60% of max 2x12 at the top of every minute. Used 90lbs. Didn't feel super fast, but a bit sore from yesterday.
Snatch (full squat) 1x12 at the top of every minute. 70% of max. Used 75lb. Missed number 9, but did an extra to make up for it. Felt good.

Sunday 7/11/10 7.5 hrs sleep

Anne is leaving us for med school and for her last WOD her boyfriend Chris, fellow CFer in Seattle, wrote the following for us:
"Dr. Freckles"

For time
400 m run, carry kettle bell (1.5/1p) and sandbag
30 shoulder to overhead 155/105
30 box jumps w/sandbag on shoulders
200 m run (same as previous)
30 front squats 155/105, bar is pulled from the floor
30 chest slap pushups
100 m run (same same)
30 double unders
30 wall ball to 12 ft target
15 cartwheels

Each time you set the KB down, 3 burpee penalty before the next movement. (No burpees today for me!)

The front squats were the best stimulus of this workout for me. I did 4x5 and then my last 10 straight. Felt good. The overhead was off today. Only clipping off 2 or 3 at a time. Box jumps were fun. I was actually able to land soft. They are certainly challenging.
Sean and I got to the wall ball at the same time and I said to him, "Don't let this come down to the cartwheels." It is always fun to talk trash concerning cartwheels. haha

Monday 7/12/10: Sleep 6hrs plus an amazing 3 hr nap. Rest day

Sunday, July 4, 2010

Sunday July 4th, 2010
Sleep 9hrs. Food from yesterday~7/10 Lots of good stuff (ie. piled high plates of local greens, wild salmon, local goat chz, grassfed porterhouse steak) but also had some treats in there (ie.trail mix w/crystallized ginger aka sugar & Boston Creme Pie Ben & Jerry's)

Power snatch: Working towards a 1RM to determine percentages 45,65,75,85,90 (too deep), 90 (too deep) 85 it is and that I caught a bit wide.

Front squats Dynamic effort 50% max 2x12 @ 1 min: 75lbs. Felt slow, but I did on the first day of dynamic with DL and BS too. This is the first day and was not originally on the plan, as I was just going to get the front squats in with the cleans, but I decided that I needed to add in some front squatting. When I am cleaning I am focusing on where I pull, catch and I just feel that the FS does not get the attention it deserves. I also feel that simply front squatting and improving there will if nothing else mentally prepare me for a heavier clean. For nearly a year now my power clean has been stronger than my front squat (presently it is equal) but I want my FS to be higher so that if I get my ass under the bar I will not doubt myself on getting out of the bottom.

6x200m hill sprints @ top of every 3 minutes. Ran stop sign @ Coxe & Sawyer to stop sign @ Church & Aston. My goal was to get faster on each. Almost made it. 45, 44,42,42,43,41
Corey noticed I am running louder on my right side and that calf felt tighter when running. He worked on me after.

Monday 7/5/2010: Rest day 7hrs sleep + 1.5hr nap

Tuesday 7/6/2010 sleep ~6hrs, no nap
Hang clean 1x10 @ 80% (106lbs) EMOM No misses and nothing ugly, but didn't feel my best.
Deadlift 2x12 @ 60% (144lbs) at the top of every 30 seconds.
230pm 95 degrees
3x800m (hill route here at the gym) with a 1:1 rest ratio (rest the same amt of time it takes to run)
1) 1:40/317
2) 1:33/2:10
3) 1:30/3:00
Felt good. Didn't want to do this today, but it's time I get myself in gear. It really isn't bad once I take that first step out the door.

Wednesday 07/07/10 sleep ~7hrs +1 hr nap
Short and sweet after 630 class
Dynamic effort back squats @ 50% 2x12 at the top of every 30 seconds. Not feeling super fast.

Thursday 07/08/10 sleep ~7hrs, no nap
No strength...slow to get motivated.
10,8,6,4,2 hang cleans @ 95lbs
20,16,12,8,4 burpees
Felt good. Hang cleans with no break. Can push faster...stepped up & back from all burpees on the sets of 16 and 12.

Friday 07/09/10 sleep: poor...4.5 hrs? no nap
Crazy team WOD which for me involved 2 500m rows (7000m for 5 person team) and a bunch of 52lbs power snatches. Felt alright on the rows. Pulled 156-158 for first 250ish and then dropped to 200-205 so probably averaged 201-202 for each. Worked for a total of ~27+ minutes on and off. Felt like I could puke at some point. Regardless it was a good one. We reached our goal. See the comments.

Friday, July 2, 2010

Wednesday 6/30/10 Rest day

Thursday 7/1/10
Max reps back squat in 30 seconds at the top of every 3 minutes. 70% of BS 1RM=126lbs

Round 1: 12
Round 2: 13
Round 3: 13+ (didn't totally stand up from the squat when time called)
Round 4: 11
Total reps: 49

Fun. Didn't know what to expect on this one. I was dropping my chest a bit. Should have a video up of my last round soon.

Friday 7/2/10
Have been getting good sleep for the most part this week with naps in the afternoon. But last night was not the case. My own fault. Sometimes it's just hard to get to bed early when I get home at 9pm. This was a night that I just wanted to chill out and relax and made that choice over sleep. So, slept about 5 hrs tonight. Didn't feel horrible, but I know that I will not optimally recover from those back squats. Gotta live and enjoy life. That's the most important part.

3pm training session. Have been at the gym coaching since 5am so a little sluggish.
squat clean and push jerk @ 80% of max EMOM 1x10 I do not actually know my max push jerk, but my max squat clean is 140lbs from regionals. Did 10 reps every minute on the minute...well, ended up being more like every 70-90seconds. Only about 3 of the 10 push jerks were optimal. The squat cleans were fairly solid. A few of the early ones on my toes, but for the most part solid. Can tell that I am sluggish.

Perhaps I will nap and then take my dog to the park or trails and get in some sprints. TBD...
No nap and thus no sprints just a two hour walk with Corey and Lloyd.

Saturday July 3rd, 2010 7.5hrs sleep
Dynamic effort shoulder press: 3x8 EMOM @~50% used 45lbs bar. (present max is 95lbs) Felt good. Having mild left elbow issues. Feel it on the way down and Corey said I am winging that elbow out a bit when I press.

Dynamic effort deadlift: 2x12 at the top of every 30sec @50% 120lbs. I love to deadlift. Felt good.
Still no motivation to sprint or WOD. I had considered running a 5k this morning, but the back squats on Thursday have left me with some sore adductors still.