(Yes, I actually saw this in an Asheville grocery store and just so happened to have my camera in my purse.)
Friday May 8, 2009 Sleep: 6hrs, no nap. Really dropped the ball with my efforts to get more sleep this week. There has been a lot going on and I have a presentation to give this coming Tuesday for this business class I'm taking. I don't feel horrible, but keeping my training as smart as possible. Next week I KNOW I need to squeeze in some extra sleep.
Line drills with "quick feet" work
12 overhead squats with PVC and push-ups
26 deadhang pull-ups to meet my "buy-in" for Matt's Pull-up Challenge
Mobility work for hips and shoulders
Strength/skill work:
Push Jerk 5x44lbs, 65lbs, 75lbs, 88lbs, 98lbs, 104lbs x 4, 104lbs x 5, 110lbs x4 F on 5th
It was stupid that I didn't get the 5th on that last one. Lack of focus. I was going to re-do it but I started using the back rack position today in prep for the regionals next week. I saw this done in a video of another regional where they had to do multiple overhead lifts. It is easier to avoid the temptation to put the bar down while holding in the back rack position (so as if you were about to back squat) than the more traditional front rack. However, the re-rack between reps can be punishing when I don't get the my scapulas "back and down" fast enough in order to best absorb that weight on my traps. So, while it is easier in some regards it is more challenging in others.
Awesome! So glad you'll do the pull-ups. Got my 8 in today. And did a first set of 3 (reverse grip, but still).
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