Wednesday, May 20, 2009

CrossFit Midwest Regional Review WOD 1

I wanted to write down some of my thoughts surrounding each work-out of this past weekend. Overall going into it I was certainly a bit nervous and anxious but definitely not anything compared to how I've felt in the past with running races. When it came time for the work-outs I felt fairly cool and collected and just went in with a "well, let's see what I've got" mindset.

Saturday May 16, 2009 WOD 1(9:00am):

185lb Deadlift

chest-to-bar pull-ups

Time 11:22

Thoughts: First, I found it interesting that almost exactly a year ago (May 14, 08) my 1 rep record for the deadlift was 185lbs. Thus, there is NO way that I would have completed this workout within the 15 minute time limit. My husband Corey joked that I would have been on my first set of 21 deadlifts within that time period and he's probably right. I was hoping to finish a bit faster, but I think I paced myself well. Both ladies in front and behind me pulled the first 21 deadlifts consecutively and went straight to the pull-up bar. THAT in and of itself was a bit intimidating. I will completely admit that I felt like I was going to be the last one done with that workout and had the fight the devil on my left shoulder questioning me why I thought I belonged in this kind of competition. While Sarah Dunsmore (winner of the Regional) was the lady right behind me, the girl in front of me did exactly what I was afraid of and burnt herself out on that first set of 21 to the point that I'm not sure she made it within 15 minutes. Those heavy deads were well, HEAVY!

The plan Corey and I had was to pull until I started to slow. At that point rest. Put the bar down, take a few steps away and come right back. The idea was to not completely wipe myself out trying to muscle out too many and not be able to do any in the rounds of 15 and 9. It really worked well for me. I pulled 5, rested and then started pulling in sets of 2 and 3. During the 15s and 9s I continued that 2-3 with an occasional single.

The pull-ups were my strong suit, and I made up some ground on people there for sure. It is evident that many do not do chest to bar pullups on a regular basis. Every since they required chest to bar at the Games last year that's literally all I've done. At first it was really hard and now it's no big deal. I make all my clients strive for chest to bar as well. Sometimes I know they hate me for it, but it will get them more prepared for the muscle-up as well.

After those 21 pull-ups I came off the bar and saw from my judge's clock we were at 5 minutes so I felt far more confident from then on out. Just move through and finish with something left over for the other work-outs to come. This sweet lady named Heather was my judge for this first workout. I dont' remember much after that first round except for her encouragement and positive voice. It made a big difference as I was in the back corner and couldn't really hear Corey or Laura too often. Although I particularly remember making eye contact during some of my rest periods during that first set of 21. I recall thinking, "Help me, here." haha

12 ladies finished this first work-out. I had the 10th fastest time. They take 10 to the finals on Sunday so I was where I needed to be at this point to get into the finals.

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