Wednesday, May 20, 2009

CF Regional Review WOD 3

Chad Caden also from CrossFit Asheville and I after the completion of our first day.

Saturday May 16, 2009 WOD 3 (4:00pm):

Row 2,000m for time.

After the second WOD I crashed on a blanket in the grass for a solid hour. Corey went to buy more water, honey and a coffee to get me ready for the last workout. We decided honey would be the best option about 20 minutes before to give me a lift and avoid feeling weak and dizzy without filling me up causing me to want to hurl.

I didn't do a whole lot to warm-up for this one. I was set to be one of 9 to go on to tomorrow's regional assuming that I could row 2,000m in under 10 minutes. I did a 2,000m row solo back on April 25th in 8:28 so I was hoping to go under 8:15 today. However, I also had the idea of just maintaining on this workout and save a little extra energy for whatever they are going to throw at us tomorrow. I was a solid 5 minutes behind and being that not only am I short but a smaller build, rowing is NOT my forte.

Rowed 8:28 holding 2:07s for essentially every 500m. I won't complain when I equal my PR after the havoc on my body from earlier today.

They announced the workout for Sunday after the completion of the last round of men's rowing. I was hoping for like a 10k run and maybe 100 overhead squats at 65lbs. haha Anything endurance favored people?? Give me a shot for a dramatic come from behind. haha

No such luck instead...
30 clean and jerks at 95lbs
450m run (no 10k)
30 snatch at 75lbs
For time.
20 minute time limit

Glad I got my snatch up over 80lbs on Monday. Too bad it's not up over 100lbs, but I know I will be able to complete it.
I'm glad to be in the finals and looking forward to ending with a solid effort.

1 comment:

  1. Hi Shanna, I just read through your accounts of the three WODs on qualifier Saturday, and I must say, it's an amazing tale of endurance and mental toughness. I'm super impressed, and I appreciated knowing that you too have those "what was I thinking" moments of doubt. Are you going to write the story of the final workout too? Matt
