The above picture is centered one my main work-out partners, Laura. She will be coming to the regionals with me as support and next year we are going to get her to the regionals working towards her own spot at the 2010 Games!! She is motivating and supportive. I love working with her everyday.
Monday May 4, 2009 Sleep: 7hrs, no nap
Unplanned rest day. Didn't get the workout in before my evening class and by the time that was over around 7:45 I was done. I tried a few front squats around 85lbs and called it a day. Honestly, I was content with it too. I mean obviously I'd like to get in a workout but I'd much rather listen to my body at this point.
Unplanned rest day. Didn't get the workout in before my evening class and by the time that was over around 7:45 I was done. I tried a few front squats around 85lbs and called it a day. Honestly, I was content with it too. I mean obviously I'd like to get in a workout but I'd much rather listen to my body at this point.
Tuesday May 5, 2009 Sleep: 9 straight hrs! This felt great, but it was one of the fastest 9 hours of sleep I've had. I definitely could have slept close to 12 if time allowed.
Strength/skill sets: Thruster-jerks 5x 75lbs, 88lbs, 95lbs, 100lbs, 105lbs
This is a new movement for me that I wanted to give a try. Some of the regionals recently have had full squat clean to overhead anyway you can get it. So, thruster is faster at getting the bar overhead push it overhead straight out of the squat rather than standing with it, resetting the feet and redipping to put it overhead. However, the jerk (when you use the legs to accelerate the wght overhead and then catch with bent legs or on the re-dip) saves energy over catching it in a fully extended thruster. Any non-crossfitters here are probably more than lost. But I've never done it and wanted to practice the technique. It felt good and I enjoyed it. I could have gone heavier, but it was the weight with which I was doing my work-out so I decided to just get started with it.
WOD: Max reps in 10 minutes of muscle-ups and power cleans at 105lbs. Must complete at least 10 of each.
I did muscle-ups first and then went back and forth as the numbers show...
3 2 2 2 2 1 Total Muscle-ups 12
5 5 5 5 10 19 Total Power cleans 49
Total reps: 61
I just found out that Candace Hamilton (pictured below) of CrossFit Oakland was the winner of this work-out at the NorCal Regional this past weekend with 101 reps! Incredible!

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