Used 98lbs for squat cleans and manged not to have any failed reps. Time: 14:23.
Wednesday March 25, 2009: Poor sleep, wired until about 1am and up at 5. Ouch! Strength work: Shoulder Press 5 x 44, 60, 70lbs 2x 80lbs, 1 x 88lbs, 1 x 93lbs, 93F, 93F, 1x88, 88, 88, 88, 88lbs
WOD: "Lynne-like" "Lynne" is a named CF work-out which consists of 5 rounds during which you do max bodyweight bench presses immediately followed by max rep pull-ups. Rest as needed between rounds. Since we do not have any benches in the gym the sub was bodyweight ring dips. Ouch!
Round Ring Dips Pull-ups (chest to bar)
1) 10 13
2) 11 13
3) 7 14
4) 6 10
5) 6 10
Totals 40 60
Feeling the lack of sleep.
Thursday March 26, 2009: 7.5hrs sleep
RUN: 20 minute tempo at Carrier Park. 8pm
Well, I last did this same run on March 11th. As I said then I don't know the exact distances for the loop but there was significant improvements this time out. Last time I did two loops in 19 minutes and finished out the final minute about 50m past the start of the bike track.
This time out I went through the first loop in 8:57 and was feeling smooth. I ate a banana with almond butter within an hour before running and my stomach was turning just a bit during the 2nd lap. I focused on staying relaxed and pulling my feet up off the ground. I went through the 2nd loop in 17:45. Passed the white shed in 19:35 and hit 20 min at the far end of the woodchip straight away just before the right turn. (Means nothing to you I know.)
Now while over a minute for two loops in 2 weeks there are multiple factors which may have contributed to this improvement. 1) I wasn't tugging Lloyd on the leash with me this time. 2) I didn't hit a 5 rep max in deadlifts 2 days prior this time. These are the two main contributors in my opinion. I enjoy running this loop for tempos so we'll continue to see how things go. I'll probably do at least one more at 20 minutes before I up it to 25 or 30. I hope to hit the track for my next interval work. Distance: 3 miles
Friday March 27, 2009: Poor sleep again. In bed at 11 but then my dog Hoka woke me up at 3:45 with an ear infection and by the time I found her ear drops I was wide awake and unable to sleep knowing that the alarm was going off at 5.
Morning Strength work: Muscle snatch-snatch balance-overhead squat Find max muscle snatch and do 3 work sets across. 1 x 33, 44, 55, 60, 60, 60, 60lbs. The video is me providing an example of this lift sequence.
PM strength work: was doing laundry in the club house and spent about 20 minutes in the fitness room doing the following:
Push-ups: 4 sets of 25
Dumbbell Turkish Get-ups: 5x 10bilateral, 5x 25B, 5x30lbs on the right, failed on the left.
Squats: 200 in the following sets 25, 25, 25, 50, 25, 50
I need to work on push-ups more. I used to do sets of 20 or more daily and I've gotten away from that. Now I rarely do more than 10-15 and I can tell the difference.
Saturday March 28, 2009: Much better sleep, ~8hrs.
WOD: 5 rounds of 50' overhead walking lunge (used 10kg/33lb bar) and 21 burpees.
First round 2:20, 3 rounds 7:40, 4 rounds 10:04, Total time: 11:59
Can go heavier on the overhead walking lunge weight.
This is a main page work-out and it is the first crossfit workout I ever did. The first time I did it with Corey I used the 30lb bar and struggled to do it. Plus it was my first time doing burpees and I couldn't believe how much was heart was pounding. At that point I only ever associated an extremely high heart rate and discomfort with running hard. I quickly learned MANY new ways to push physical and mental barriers. Now, it's just a matter of making myself cycle through the burpees faster. The first time I did this workout it took me 18:10.
Estimated weekly mileage: 4
Total estimated mileage 2009: 25
Great blog. Lots of good exercise ideas!! And you're speedy!!