Sunday March 15, 2009: 2hr 20min hike at Bent Creek. Lots of uphill. Did a total of 200 squats in sets of 30-50 intermittently during hike.
Monday March 16, 2009:
Strength Sets: Front Squats 5 x 88, 98, 110, 115 2x120 (F on 3) 1x120, 125F, 125x1, 130F These need work! I've done 130x1 in the past.
WOD: 7 Deadlifts, 9 box jumps, 5 deadlifts, 15 box jumps, 3 deadlifts 21 box jumps for time: 2:30
Deadlift was 75% of my 1RM(220lbs), 164lbs and box jumps were 20"
Felt good can pull faster on deads. Jumped on and off boxes, can inc turnover.
Tuesday March 17, 2009: Rest Day
Wednesday March 18, 2009: Tired. No nap.
RUN: 60sec on, 90s off, 45s on, 90s off, 30s on, 90s off, 15s on, 90s off, 30s on, 90s off, 45s on, 90s off, 60s on.
At "200m track" of local apt complex. Who knows the accuracy of it. It's paved but there is some rolling to it. The sign said 8 laps to the mile. Felt good was rolling through the laps between 36 &38. Equaled the distances of 1st set when finishing and covered slightly more distance for some. We'll see how accurate the track is when I get on a real track here soon. Felt great. I feel powerful and explosive off the ground which is something that has never come naturally to me. Thank you CrossFit.
Approx 1mile run.
Thursday March 19, 2009:
WOD: 100 Broken Thrusters
10 thrusters @ 88lbs 1:40
20 thrusters @ 71lbs 2:46
30 thrusters @ 55lbs 1:55
40 thrusters @ 44lbs 1:51
With 5 minutes rest b/w each round overall time was 23:27
Felt good, can push harder on 10/20. Pushed really hard for last 40. A burner.
10 thrusters @ 88lbs 1:40
20 thrusters @ 71lbs 2:46
30 thrusters @ 55lbs 1:55
40 thrusters @ 44lbs 1:51
With 5 minutes rest b/w each round overall time was 23:27
Felt good, can push harder on 10/20. Pushed really hard for last 40. A burner.
Friday March 20, 2009: Rest Day
Saturday March 21, 2009:
RUN: 12 minute tempo run at Bent Creek. Walked with Corey and dogs to trail head, walked the to the end of the trail (just over 0.5m??) from there I did a couple squats, one stride and started. Hit the trail head in 4:46 turned and hit the start in 9:04 (more downhill in this direction) then finished the 12 minutes at the 3rd blue hash before the stream. Approx 2 miles run.
Estimated weekly mileage: 3 miles
Total estimated mileage 2009: 21 miles
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