Sunday Feb 8, 2009: Active Rest Day. Hiked with Corey and dogs 90 minutes.
Monday Feb 9, 2009: Strength sets Thrusters: 5x 20kg, 30kg, 35kg, 40kg/88lbs
Sumo Deadlift High Pulls(SDLHP): 3x 35kg, 37.2kg, 37.2kg/82lbs
WOD: 3 rounds for time of: 10SDLHP, 15 thrusters, 20 push-ups. Used 25kg/55lbs
Round 1) 4:04 SDHP 10, Thrusters 9,6 Push-ups 7/7/6
Round 2) 3:35 SDHP 10, Thrusters 11,4 Push-ups 10/10
Round 3) 3:48 SDHP 10, Thrusters 10,5 Push-ups 5/7/8
Overall time: 11:28
Did this WOD solo. Hard to push after a long day. Feeling somewhat unmotivated. 6 hrs sleep +90 min nap.
Tuesday Feb 10, 09 Strength sets: weighted chest-to-bar pull-ups 5x5 BW+7.5lbs, BW+10lbs, BW+12.5lbs, BW+10kg/22lbs, BW+15kg/33lbs chest-to-bar with supinated grip. P.R.!
10 L pull-ups (chest to bar)
15 box jumps (20")
20 knees to elbows
50 squats
20 knees to elbows
15 box jumps
10 L pull-ups (chest to bar)
Time: 5:25
Turnover is still slow with knees to elbows. Good workout. Got to push with a group. Sleep about 6hrs.
Wednesday Feb 13, 09: Rest Day
Thursday Feb 14, 09: Lots of sleep! But still feeling sluggish.
Strength sets: Hang clean: 1x 88lbs, 88lbs, 98F, 98, 103, 108F Significantly off PR (115) today.
Push press 3x66, 88, 98, 103, 108x2 F on 3.
Push press 3x66, 88, 98, 103, 108x2 F on 3.
WOD: 4 rounds of 10 hang cleans (88lbs), 7 high box jumps (28")
2 rounds in 5:10 Total time: 9:52
Friday, Saturday and Sunday: No organized work-outs. Some active rest and walks with dogs. Catching up on sleep.
Total mileage for week: 0
Total estimated mileage 2009: 7
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