Sunday February 22, 2009: Sleep: 10+ hrs. Felt SO good!
RUN at Carrier Park. 60 seconds on, 60 off, 45s on, 45s off, 30s on, 30s off, 15s on, 15s off, (I turned around at this point and headed back to see about where I could finish relative to the start.) 15s on, 15s off, 30s on, 30s off, 45s on, 45s off, 60s on, Done. I walked the "off" portions. Finished my last 60s run right where I began so I technically made it slightly farther on the way back or however far I walk in 60 seconds. So, this was 5 total minutes of running. I only did a couple strides and squats for the warm-up, but for simplicity we'll count today as a miles towards the total.
RUN at Carrier Park. 60 seconds on, 60 off, 45s on, 45s off, 30s on, 30s off, 15s on, 15s off, (I turned around at this point and headed back to see about where I could finish relative to the start.) 15s on, 15s off, 30s on, 30s off, 45s on, 45s off, 60s on, Done. I walked the "off" portions. Finished my last 60s run right where I began so I technically made it slightly farther on the way back or however far I walk in 60 seconds. So, this was 5 total minutes of running. I only did a couple strides and squats for the warm-up, but for simplicity we'll count today as a miles towards the total.
Monday February 23, 2009: 7.5hrs sleep.
Strength Work: Front Squats 5x88, 93, 193, 108lbs Then, 3x108lbs The front squats need work. They are my main limiter to improve my cleans.
WOD:"Grace" 30 power clean and jerk for time. I used 77lbs. I did this solo. Here is the breakdown of splits.
10 1:48
15 2:40
20 3:35
30 4:58 (PR!)
This is not only the heaviest I've done this WOD (used 65lbs before) but it is also a PR and it felt relatively easy. I conserved far too much early on. It's the distance runner mentality and it drive my husband Corey nuts sometimes. haha Overall, I'm pleased.
Tuesday February 24, 2009: Rest day
Wednesday February 25, 2009: 7hrs of sleep, no nap. Feel tired.
Strength Work: Push Jerks 5 x 66, 77, 88, 88, 88, 93, 93lbs
WOD: 10, 8, 6, 4, 2 Snatch with 30 feet of overhead walking lunge b/w each snatch set.
Used the 15kg/33lb bar. Took 5:40 and felt good. Can go heavier next time, but the overhead walking lunge is the limiting factor with the weight.
Thursday February 26, 2009:
Strength Work: Snatch practice but was cut short. Hit 60lbs easy.
Friday February 27, 2009:
Strength Work: Thrusters 5 x 66, 76, 88, 93.5 , 98lbs (5 rep PR), then 1x 103lbs
I was timing tabata intervals for others and cooled down way too much after the 5x98 so I wasn't ready for the 103 set. Next time.
WOD: Half Tabatas (to 2 minutes of each exercise working for 20 seconds and resting for 10) No rest between intervals.
Wall Ball (10lb ball, 10' target) 9, 8, 8, 9: 34
Box Jump (20") 11, 11, 12, 12: 46
Push Press (20kg/44lb) 10, 10, 12, 11: 43
Burpees 6, 6, 7, 8: 27
Total score: 150
Again, I am too much of a pacer. Corey had to yell at me to push through each interval during the last two intervals of each. It's sometimes hard because tabata is often scored by your lowest round of the 8 (or 4 today) intervals. However, the overall number also says alot.
10 skin the cats broken up into: 3, 3, 4
Saturday February 28, 2009
WOD: 3 Rounds of 5 sets Bear Complex (Pwr Clean, Frnt Sqt, Push Press, Bck Sqt, Push Press)
Immediately followed by Max Ring Push-ups
Round 1) 66lbs, 16 Ring Push-ups
Round 2) 77lbs, 20 RPU
Round 3) 88lbs, 13 RPU
The bear complex is up 11lbs from when I did it on Feb 7th and I while it was hard I can go heavier next time. The hardest part about it is not putting it down during the 5 cycles. Your grip is just dead. Overall, it was a good mental push.
Estimated weekly mileage: 1
Total estimated mileage for 2009: 8
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