Sunday March 1, 2009: Good sleep. 10+ hrs. 2hr hike with Corey and dogs.
Monday March 2, 2009: Sleep only 5hrs. Ouch. 4:45am just comes way too early.
Strength Work: Back Squats 5x 45, 77, 88 3x98 Then 21x98 Can go up for the next 20 rep! Felt great.
Did the thrusters at 83lbs and used 10lb ball for 10' target.
Time: 8:44. Moved well. Felt good.
Tuesday March 3, 2009: Tired.
Strength sets: Barbell Turkish Get-ups 11, 22, 33, 44, 44, 50, 55lbs on the right side only, failed 2x on L. This tied my PR for a dumbbell TGU! It is much harder with the barbell as you have to stabilize the bar.
Wednesday March 4 and Thursday March 5, 2009: Rest Days
Friday March 6, 2009: Sleep is ok ~7hrs last night. Not enough this week in general.
Strength work:
Clean and Jerk: 77, 88, 98, 105, 110, 115, 120F on jerk, 120F on jerk, 110, 110, 110.
115 is my approximate body weight and a PR!
WOD: "Jeremy" 21, 15, 9 Overhead Squats and Burpees Used 66lbs for OHS Time: 7:37
PM RUN: 7 minutes on, 3 min off, 5 min on, 2 min off, 3 minutes on. 2 min rest and then did 1/2 tabata squats with 16 squats per interval. I did this run at Bent Creek on the trails and have no way to really quantify but it was more to just get me running again. Felt good. Approx 2 miles.
Saturday March 7, 2009: Rest Day
Estimated weekly mileage: 2
Total estimated mileage for 2009: 10
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