Monday, December 13, 2010

Oct 11-17th, 2010 OHS/Snatch/Clean PRs

Monday October 11, 2010
: sleep~7hrs, 1.5hr nap!
Back squat 70% (120#) 12x2@30seconds HARD!
Snatch below the knee 5x3 working up to 75lbs
Snatch 5x3 up to 95lbs F on 3rd rep
Clean below the knee 5x3 up to 105lbs
Tired so stopped before the C&J.

Tuesday October 12, 2010: Sleep ~7hrs, 20 min nap
Goal of 100m handstand walk: 20m 2:05, 40m 5:50, 60m 9:36....called it for today.
Heavy FS @ 95% of 5RM so 128lbs: 5x3@top of 90seconds. Felt great!

Wednesday October 13, 2010: Sleep: 5.5hrs, 20min nap. Trouble falling asleep.
11am: Snatch: 5x3 up to 90lbs
Clean and jerk 5x3 up to 105lbs
Push jerk 4x4 up to 105lbs

OHS Again Faster Team 2RM attempt 2x98, 1x110, 2x125, 2x135, F on jerk of 145, F on OHS @ 145lbs...made it into bottom, but unable to stand up.

345pm: Dogs to WWC. Ran some 1-2minutes about 30s-2min rest between each for 25 minutes. How's that for specific training. haha. Felt steady.

Thursday October 14, 2010 Sleep: not ideal ~6.5hrs
DL dynamic effort @ 70% 5RM 165lbs 12x2@30s
Back squat 5x3@95% present 5RM so 161lbs felt good.

Friday October 15, 2010 Sleep ~6hrs, no nap. :( Rough week of sleep. R leg achey @ lateral hip, knee, ankle probably due to lack of sleep and poor mechanics throughout the day.
Test run for tomorrow's CFA WOD:
5 min of EMOM of
10 20" box jumps
10 Russian swings with 44lbs
35-40s per round

Saturday October 16, 2010 Sleep 9hrs!!!
Pendlay Cert
Snatch: 65/75/85F/95x2/100/105/110/115F/115! PR/1175 Fx3-4 attempts Jumping forward!!
Clean: 75, 95, 115, 125, 135, 145,155PR, 160 PR, 165PR, 170F-hit shoulders though, but not ready for it! Soon! PR on FS with the 165 too!
6PM Hill runs at Dunsmore's house. Feeling motivated post seminar. 10 min AMRAP alternating med hill adn short hill for 5 sprints each. Oh, what a little sleep can do!

Sunday October 17, 2010 Sleep 2am-7am Mild hang over. Awake with excitement. Rest day.

Monday, December 6, 2010

Oct 4-10, 2010 Max rep DLs@185lbs

Monday October 4, 2010:
Rest day Sleep: 7hrs+1hr nap

Tuesday October 5, 2010: Sleep: 6hrs
Max rep back squats @ 135# in 30s @ top of every 3 minutes
Mentally unmotivated. Totally undershot going into first set w/initial goal of 7. Hit that at half way and backed off. Kept stopping early on first 3 rounds! Had 2-3s and felt defeated.

Wednesday October 6 sleep: 7.5hrs
FS@ 70% (95lbs) 12x2@30s
Plyo boxes: 5xjump on, jump off control landings. 12"/16"/16"/20"/20" I am trying to get faster in my reaction time. My distance runner background haunted me at the Garage Games when we had 40 box jumps for time. I was smoked regardless of the fact that I didn't stop to rest. I'm simply slower than the others.
Box hurdles 5x8"/12"/12"/16"/20"
3xPlyometric landing (or at least working towards this...see video) 8"/8"/12"

Shoulder Press: 5x3@90% 5RM (75lbs)@90s 75lbs

Row 1k 2:07 goal pace 4:14.3, 3 minutes rest repeat with goal of 2:06 pace: 4:06.7 PR SR~26 til last 100m then up to 30 s/m.

Thursday October 7, 2010
Deadlift@60% 12x2@30s@140lbs felt good
3 Rnds 30s work/30s rest of ring dips, bar weight OHS (45lbs), Ball slam with 12lbs
Rnd 1 10/15/26=51
Rnd 2 10/17/25=52
Rnd 3 10/19/25=54

Friday October 8th in afternoon at CF Ultimate.
Snatch 45/75/95/100/105/110lbs PR!, F three attempts at 115lbs (BW soon!)
Clean and Jerk 95/115/125/135/145/150 PR! by 10lbs on clean and 5lbs on jerk.
Worked hard to stand up the 150lbs clean. Attempted clean at 155lbs. Mentally done.

Saturday October 9th, 2010
Deadlift: Max reps in 30s at top of every 3 minutes at 80%5RM or 185lbs!
17/16/15/15=63 total up four reps from last time!

Sunday October 10th, 2010
Rest day....hiked Spivey Mtn with my dogs and Corey. Yesterday was Octoberfest here in AVL. Enough said.

Saturday, December 4, 2010

Sept 27-Oct 3 Hang snatch 10lbs PR

Monday September 27, 2010
Front squats: Max reps @ 80% 108lbs in 30s @ the top of every 3 minutes

5 minute rest

Run/Row WOD
Alternating between 200m run and 200m row @ top of every 3 minutes. Goal of getting faster for each.
200m run times: 49/47/46
200m row times: 45.3/43.7/42.7

Tuesday September 28, 2010
Snatch 80% (70lbs) 4x4@120s 23/18/17/16s
Tabata ring dips w/no band 9/6/4/3/4/3/4/3=36

Wednesday September 29, 2010
Push-press Goal of 110lbsx5
10x45lbs, 5x55lbs, 3x75lbs, 1x95lbs, 1x105lbs, 4x110lbs F on 5!, 5x105lbs (Arching a bit in the back especially with 110lbs)
WOD "Ninja D"
10 HPC @ 95lbs
30 box jumps (20") 130ish
10 HPC @ 95lbs
20 box jumps 3;02
10 HPC
10 box jumps 3:48 total

Thursday September 30, 2010 Tired 6hrs of sleep. Tried to rest in afternoon, but unsuccessful.
WOD "Tic Tok"
7 Rnds of 5 burpees, 50 ft walking lunge w/50lb sandbag, 5 C2B pullups: 903

Friday October 1, 2010 Sleep: 6hrs
Rest day-cleaned my house for ~6hrs. literally...involved organizing too!

Saturday October 2, 2010 Sleep: 7.5hrs
Tabata box jumps to 12" 17/18/18/18/17/18/19/18/19
Trying to increase my speed on and off. Goal is to stay on 12" until I can hit 20 reps or more for each.

Sunday October 3, 2010 Sleep: 10hrs
Feeling achey. Like I'm getting sick.
Hang snatch: 5x45lbs, 3x65lbs, 1x75lbs, 5x85lbs, 1x90lbs, 1x95lbs, 1x100lbs PR, 105F, 1x105lbs PR!

Thursday, December 2, 2010

Sept 20-26 Back squat & Front squat @ 90%

We opened the new space for CFA on Monday, Sept 20th! Here is a picture of my husband Corey (on left) and one of CFA's great coaches, Sean (on right) toasting overtop of my dog Lloyd.

Monday Sept 20th, 2010 Sleep: 6hrs +40min nap
Back squat 12x2@60s@60% 5RM 103lbs
30 untimed burpees for my 29th bday (ya know, one to grow on)

Tuesday Sept 21, 2010 Sleep: 7hrs no nap
Clean and push jerk 90% estimated 5RM 106lbs 6x2@120s good.

Run 12x60seconds on/30 seconds off in hilly neighborhood near my house. Steady effort. Felt good except left medial heel which continuous to be bothersome from back in Aug.

Wednesday 6hrs sleep tired
Deadlift: 12x2@60% (140lbs) @ 30s Solid

Thursday : off

Friday Sept 24, 2010
HSPU Tabata interval hands on one 45lbs plate, head to abmat , feet must stay against wall. Kicked into HS @ start of 20s: 63/3/1/1/2/2/2=20
Power clean & split jerk @ 101lbs alternating lead leg 5x4@120s@70%
Tossed down from overhead. Feeling tired and can't control down. Body does not know how to breathe into hold tight torso for overhead. 50-56s, last set 46s

WOD: Cleaning House-solo effort
20 power cleans@95lbs (~60s), 400m run (2:06), 20 C2B pullups (consecutive) 3:48.
Can go faster on cleans and run-tired, sluggish. Need to work butterfly kip. All regular kip.

Saturday Sept 25, 2010
Back squat 90% 5x3@180s Felt great! (153lbs)
Row: 12 min steady 1290m in 6 min ~219 ave, 2k in 915, 2612m in 12 minutes for ave of 214. Felt comfortable averaged 24-26 S/M.

Sunday Sept 26, 2010 Good sleep! 930pm-8ish
Deadlift 90% (211lbs) 5x3@90s Felt good. First rep slow on all. L hamstring tight-favoring R leg noticed especially on last set of DLs.

Sunday, November 28, 2010

Sept 13-19 New back sqt&deadlift 5RM

Monday Sept 13, 2010
New back squat 5RM
5x45lbs, 5x95lbs, 3x115lbs, 1x135lbs, 1x155lbs, 5x170lbs 10lbs PR

Tuesday Sept 14, 2010
WOD "Furniture Thief"
7 Rnds of 10 DLs at 155lbs, 100m sprint, 30 seconds rest
Rnd 1) 45s
Rnd 2) 48s
Rnd 3) 47s
Rnd 4) 41s
Rnd 5) 43s
Rnd 6) 43s
Rnd 7) 40s
Total time of work: 5:07

Wednesday Sept 15, 2010: Sleep 6hrs+1.5hr nap
Tabata row for calories 44 total/795m
Tried to SP but felt too tired so stopped. Ugh, hate being tired.

Thursday Sept 16, 2010: Sleep 7hrs
Frnt sqt: 12x2@30s w/80% 5RM 95lbs

Friday Sept 17, 2010: Rest day to work on new gym

Saturday Sept 18, 2010
New deadlift 5RM
10x45lbs, 5x115lbs, 3x155lbs, 1x185lbs, 1x205lbs, 5x235lbs
10lbs PR Felt great. These two videos posted are this day's 5RM and my last 5RM of 225lbs from Aug 1, 2010.
Post DL I ran hill repeats while cheering for CFAers in the AVL Citizen Times Half Marathon. I want to run this next year!

Sunday Sept 19th, 2010 Speet 10-11 hrs!!!
10 min AMRAP of 12 burpees, 2x100ft sprints, 3xOvherhead figure 8's with cones 20ft apart and 65lbs
5 rounds. Felt comfortable.
LONG day of working over 12 hrs to get the new space ready for tomorrow which is opening day!

Wednesday, November 24, 2010

Empty week of logging

Failed to write much down this week. I did do a new trick...pistol while balancing on the handle of a kettlebell. Fun!

Saturday Sept 11, 2010 @ Robb Wolf Paleo Solution Seminar

Back squat 12x2@30s @ 70% 5RM (115lbs)

Clean & push jerk 4x4 @ 80% 1RM ~115lbs@120s 60/60/90/75s
Missed rep 2 of second set on the clean...fell on ass.

Sunday Sept 12, 2010
14hrs of sleep!!!
Only to wake up with stomach bug and had frequent visits to bathroom all day. Ironic after Paleo seminar, right??

Aug 30-Sept 5th, 2010 Max rep deadlift-light & Cindy

Photo is in our new space which we are prepping for a move date of Sept 20th!

Monday Aug 30, 2010 Sleep ~9hrs
Active rest day. Dogs to park with some lunges/squats there.

Tuesday Aug 31, 2010 Sleep ~7.5 hrs
Tabata Row for warm up: 81m/84/82/82/85/83/83/86m
Clean & push jerk 70% 4x5 @ 120seconds 41s/40s/35s/29s
Didn't put the bar down on the last. I need to work on this.
Partial WOD
1 Rnd of a WOD Rx'd @ 5 Rnds
5 95lbs squat clean thrusters, 10 C2B pullups 1:04
Dehydrated and generally unmotivated.

~10min nap and lots of water.
Back squat: 12x2@30s@50%/95lbs

Wenesday Sept 1, 2010 Sleep: 6hrs, 1.5hr nap
Hang snatch 80% 4x4@120s 78lbs ~14s each...held onto bar on descend.
Max rep deadlift in 30 seconds @ 60% 5RM 135lbs 4x@top of every 90seconds 22/22/21/22=87 Felt good

Thursday Sept 2, 2010 Sleep: ~7hrs
pwr clean & split jerk alternating lead leg
5x4 @ 70% 5RM (88lbs) 18s/18s19s/19s

Friday Sept 3, 2010 Sleep: ~6hrs no nap
Snatch session with Tamara working towards max
Skill work from high hang first/donkey kick work
From floor: 75/85/95/100/105 (old PR) then about 10 missed attempts at 110lbs. I typically don't allow myself that many attempts, but we had nothing better to do than attempt to throw weight overhead on a Friday afternoon. Put it overhead MANY times, but unable to stand it up. Next time!
Felt good for how fatigued I should have been @ the gym for 12 straight hours by the end of it.

Saturday Sept 4, 2010
Tired, female issues and no painkillers.
Only felt like snatching again. (the problem with never having a training plan)
Snatch from high hang with bar wght
Then about 5 snatches @ 75 and 95 Felt good.
Some power cleans and full cleans 75-95lbs.
Back squat 12x2@30s 60% 5RM (95lbs)
Grump, tired, unmotivated.

Sunday Sept 5, 2010 Good sleep
WOD: Cindy
Got talked into this one today and guess what the 3 suckers that started with me all stopped at 10 minutes and left me solo for the final 10! 20 minute AMRAP 5 pullups, 10 push ups, 15 squats
10 minutes: 11 rnds+5 reps
20 minutes: 22 Rnds+7 reps

3 reps short of even splits! Dang it! Felt controlled/comfortable. Can push towards 24 rounds next time. I haven't done this WOD since oh, grad school so probably over two years now.

Augh 25-29 2010 Max rep back squats

Wed Aug 25, 2010 6hrs sleep +3hr nap (ahh!)

SP 12x2 @ 30s 50lbs
4x50m strides
Back squat max reps in 30seconds @ top of every 3 min @ 132lbs 11/11/12/12=46 reps

Thursday Aug 26 Tired and unmotivated. 630pm
Working up to heavy 5 rep power clean and split jerk
5x45, 5x65, 3x95, 1x115, 5x125lbs lead legs of L/R/L/R/R
Cleans were solid pressed out with L lead leg and last rep on R.

Friday Aug 27 Sleep: 6hrs
3 hang snatch +2 snatch balance 65/75/85lbs
Hang snatch 4x4@80% @ 120sec (75lbs) 45s/43s/40s/36s Felt good. No misses. Some catching on toes, but cleaned up as I went into later sets. Donkey kick improving.
DL 12x2 @ 60% (157lbs) @ 30s Tired but good
Tabata Ring dip (no bands well below parallel) 8/6/4/4/4/4/4/4=38 reps
Ring dips would be my least favorite gymnastics exercise with the exception of L-sits and right in there with HSPUs!

Saturday Aug 28
3 Rounds
10 OHS @ 95lbs
50 double unders
Rnd 1) 10 straight OHS, ~1:50
Rnd 2) 7/3 OHS ~450
Rnd 3) 6/4 OHS 7:32 overall

Need to get myself to snatch first rep. I cleaned and jerked to back rack position each time. More confidence in my snatch!

8x100m hill build ups with walk back recovery
90 minute hike in evening with Corey and dogs. Noticed my left was bothersome after sprints and tonight walking.

Sunday Aug 29 Sleep: 11.5 hours!!!
Front squat 12x2 @ 60s @ 90lbs
SP 8x3 @ 30s @ 60lbs

Sunday, August 22, 2010

Garage Games & after...

Garage Games: Survival of the Fittest
WOD #1
In 5 minutes complete
700m run
20 pullups (done consecutively)
At top of 5 minutes complete:
30 burpees
50 sit-ups
At top of 5 minutes complete:
15 squat cleans @ 95lbs
At top of 5 minutes complete:
40 box jumps-eliminated! I knew I wasn't very fast with box jumps, but I thought I'd be fine if I kept jumping. Thought very wrong. The other three girls in my heat finished their 40 almost at exactly the same time when I was around #30. Time to work on this one!
20 burpees as they ran 400m
WOD #2
In 5 minutes complete:
20 ground to overhead with 95lbs: clean & jerk felt smooth
into the deadlift gauntlet with
max reps at 225lbs-pulled 4 when I was told to drop it as time had expired. Felt good with those four. Even though the reps didn't count I'm glad I picked this bar up, as it give me confident for my next 5 rep to go up to 235lbs.
In 5 minutes complete:
15 HSPUs to two abmats-consecutive
400# of 8' wall balls-was expecting this to be easy with 20 reps at 20lbs, but the sweat made the balls very sweaty and I was all over the place. We do not (yet) have dynomax style balls, rather ours have a helpful surface that is not slippery when wet. Made it through
100ft walking lunge with 15' plate overhead. Caught by less than a foot. I wasn't expecting the finish to be so tight.
2x20 burpees as the remaining did 150 double unders and then 2 rope climbs

WOD #3
In 5 minutes complete:
300m sandbag run with 40lbs
50 push-ups
At the top of 5 minutes complete:
100 squats
60 kettlebell swings @ 35lbs (swung consecutively)
At the top of 5 minutes complete:
200m run
5 muscle-ups (3/2)
At the top of 5 minutes complete:
30-185lbs deadlifts

Sunday 08/22/10
Float down Davidson River with half mile walks back:
Back squat 2x12@top of every 30 seconds ~50% 93lbs

Half tabata row @ damper of 10 84m/80m/87m/87m

Monday, August 2, 2010

new deadlift 5 RM, new back sqt 5RM, 2010 Games MU/Snatch WOD

Sunday 8/1/10
1030am 9hrs sleep. ahh!
Deadlift 5 rep max day
5x45lbs, 5x88lbs, 5x135lbs, 3x185lbs (felt heavy), 1x205lbs, 5x225lbs 12lbs PR

3pm 2.5hr hike with Corey and Dale
LOTS of uphill climbing up Green Knob. We never found the top. We turned around @ 4:45pm as we needed to get home.

Monday 8/2/10 7hrs sleep, 1.5hr nap
First day of my "Project Fran"
21 thrusters @ 66lbs (kg bar) in 0:56, 21 chest to bar pullups in 1:42 overall (missed chest on last rep...truth be told). Next week I'll either look to do this 21/21 faster OR will do the 21/21 and follow it up immediately with 3-5/3-5 and progressively add. My goal is to be able to get through 21/21/15/15 in under 2:30

Tuesday 8/3/10 7hrs, no nap
Back squat 5 rep max
5.45lbs, 5x75lbs, 3x120lbs, 1x150lbs, 5x160lbs 12lbs PR! Chest dropping a bit, but overall felt good.
Games 2010 WOD #1
9-7-5 muscle-ups rings set to finger tip reach and snatch at 95lbs here is my rep set:
Muscle-ups 3/1/1/1/F/F/2/1 3:10
Snatch 1/F/1/F/1/1/1/1/1/1/1
Muscle-ups 3/2/1/1 9:20
Snatch 1/1/1/1/F/1/1/1 12 minutes
stopped 30s or so to tape wrists
Muscle-ups 3/1/1
Snatch 1/1/1/1/1
15:45 overall. I'll take it. This will be a good WOD for me to repeat in a few months. I can hit muscles ups, but still need to get faster at higher reps!

Friday, July 30, 2010

Max rep back sqts & shoulder press, "Roy"

Monday 7/26/10 Rest day...calves still tight

Tuesday 7/27/10 7hrs sleep, no nap. ugh
11am Snatch (yes, squat) 70% 1x8@30seconds, 2min rest 80% 1x8@30sec used 75 and 85lbs. Felt good. No misses.
230pm "Roy" 20:56 w 155# deads& 24" bx jmps. 125 total pullups & no rips!
I jumped up and then stepped down for all box jumps. No rest during the 20, but obvio usly I moved faster through some than others. Here is the breakdown for how I split up the deads and pullups per round as well as my split for that round:
Rnd 1 deads 15 pullups 25 2:40
Rnd 2 deads 9/6 pullups 11/7/7 7:45 (5:05)
Rnd 3 deads 9/6 pullups 11/7/7 13ish (5:15ish)
Rnd 4 deads 9/6 pullups 11/7/7 17:45 (4:45ish)
Rnd 5 deads 9/6 pullups 16/9 20:56 (3:11)
Felt good. Definitely will pull more sets of 15 in the deads next time. I'm ready for it.

Wednesday: Rest day 7hrs sleep, 1.5hr nap on chiro table in gym

Thursday 7/29/10 7 hrs sleep +40 min nap
Squat clean and push jerk 70% 1x8@30seconds, 2min rest 80% 1x8@30sec Used 98lbs and then 113lbs. Felt good for both. No misses.
530pm class Random WOD
65lbs push press all unbroken, K2E unbroken...ball slams are mentally tiring.
Was on pace for sub 10, but fell off after round 8 or 9 10:22 overall. I'll take it.

PM WOD w/530 class I used 65lbs push press and completed unbroken. 10lbs slam ball and unbroken k2e. 10:22 overall. Was on pace for sub 10 until round 8 or 9 and lost rhythm.

Friday 7/30/10, 230pm, 6 hrs sleep been up since 345am. It's been a long week.
Hang snatch 70% 1x8@30seconds, 2-3minutes rest (started talking opps) 80% 1x8@30sec
70% was 65lbs-no misses easy. 80% I missed on number three, but just lack of focus I ended up doing 9 at 80% to make up for the third missed rep.

Max rep back squats at 50% max (85lbs) for 30 seconds at the top of every 90 seconds
I was dreading this and felt a bit stiff getting into the bottom, but I am always glad when it is over. I find it sickly fun honestly. 17/17/16/16=66 total Corey said, "you're finally doing it right, you're not getting faster as you go!" haha Me and my endurance approach.

Saturday 7/31/10 7hrs sleep
10am Hang clean 70% 1x8@30seconds, 2 minutes rest 80% 1x8@30sec
70% was 95lbs-felt good. 80% was 110lbs also solid. Focused on pushing my knees out by lifting my arches to stand. I am a bit sore from back squats yesterday, but still able to stand out of the FS quite well.
Max rep shoulder press @ 70% max/projected max in 30sec at the top of every 3 minutes
Used 70lbs as I will press 100lbs this year! Rounds were: 11/10/9/9: 39 total reps
I would complete about 80% of the reps in the first 15 seconds and my form would break down for the last 2-4 reps. I could feel myself arching my low back somewhat. Corey also said I was pushing my head forward and craning my neck.

Tuesday, July 27, 2010

Belle Chere 5k, WOD, REST

07/24/10 7+hrs sleep, still tired!
Made the last minute decision to run the Belle Chere 5k today. I was still unsure if I was going to do it as I drove into town. I could certainly tell I was run down, but it was a good stimulus nonetheless...
mile 1: 705 (30 sec slower than last year)
mile 2: 14:29 (about 45 sec slower)
Overall: 22:16
Nearly two minutes slower than last year, but many that ran this year and last said the same...more like a minute slower for others. The finish line was moved back to a different street and the word around town is that they neglected to move up the start line. So either last year's course was short or this year's was long. My legs were tired from squatting yesterday and lost of heavy deads earlier this week. My sleep has been poor to adequately recover. My running is still far stronger than the majority of other female crossfitters and I am presently more interested in gaining strength especially with deadlifting and squatting that getting faster over a 5k distance. Next spring and summer I WILL be largely focused on race specific training for a solid mile in the fall!
On a positive note this is the first time I was able to wear my vibram five fingers for more than a mile. I wore them in the other 5k I ran back in June and ended up pulling them off the last 1/2 mile or so as it was the weekend before the SE Regionals and I was paranoid that all the skin was rubbing off the bottom of my foot. It was a little red, but no skin lost.
The race was at 8am and then at 9am I jumped into the CFA class for the following WOD:
AMRAP in 20 minutes of:
400m run, 12 pull-ups (chest to bar) 24 single arm dumbbell push-press (12 per arm w/25lbs)
Completed 5 rounds+200m run.
Immediately following the 2o minutes we had 3 minutes to find a 3 rep max in shoulder press
I first pressed 80lbsx3 and then through on 2.5lbs and put up 85lbsx3. Felt good and is only 5 lbs under my 3 rep max!

Sunday 07/28/10 sleep 7.5 hrs sleep
Back squat: Despite my legs being heavy and tired yesterday for th 5k and then WOD. Plus not sleeping super great this mind wanted to go for a new back squat 5 rep. I started warming up to see what various weights would feel like and then completely acknowledged my legs were spent and that I was mentally second guessing myself even with every warm up lift. Thus, I would only be setting myself up for failure. Instead I did:
2x12 @ 60% at the top of every 30 seconds: 108lbs felt pretty good, but certainly NOT the fastest I have every stood up.

Saturday, July 24, 2010

Fatigue=mental breakdown

Thursday July 22, 5-6hrs no nap
Feeling pretty good from yesterday, but not a whole lot of motivation. I'm tired and a bit run down this week. My body needs like 9hrs a sleep a day at least to recover from those heavy deads. A few hours after that 7 minute AMRAP I had a huge appetite for the first time in a while. I eat regularly, but half the time I never REALLY feel hungry when I eat. I find this to be true when I am eating mostly well, as I am not experiencing those drastic rise and falls in my sugar levels from eating shit.

Strength/Skill: Power clean and Split Jerk (alternating lead legs)
8x1@30seconds @ 70% max (103lbs), 2 minute rest 8x1@30seonds @ 80% max (115lbs)

Friday, poor sleep ~4hrs, no nap
Should have made the decision to rest, but instead decided to join Corey in the following WOD
5 rounds of:
2 muscle-ups, 4 strict handstand push-ups, 6 double KB swings (35lbs), 8 front squats @ 95lbs
Bad mood before I started which should have been my sign to not even start.
Round 1: ~1:30 and then I basically stopped "trying" and instead just moved slow causally grumbling Negative Nancy thoughts to myself.
In 13:55 I completed 4 rounds and called it. I completed all squats unbroken and HSPUs are always a good stimulus for me, as I certainly do not work them enough. Also, I stopped the double KB after rnd 1 as I didn't feel I was stabilizing my low back enough and instead switched to 8 American swings with the 53lbs for the 2-4 rounds. I had horrible thoughts going through my head and coming out of my mouth the whole time, "sometimes I wish I was just doing tricep pull downs again where my only goal was to have that horse-shoe tricep look." I don't really mean that, but when I'm grumpy I can compete with some of the most negative minds out there. I'll be reflecting on this further in the future. In positive notes I didn't miss any muscle ups and the squats were all unbroken. I look forward to killing this time with the full 5 rounds in the future!

Tuesday, July 20, 2010

Saturday 7/17/10: Rest day

Sunday 7/18/10
AM: CFG 2010 WOD
7 Rounds of:
3 Power cleans @ 135lbs
4 strict handstand pushups from 45lbs plates.
First round in under a minute and then it got ugly. 12 minute cap during which I hit only 3 rounds +cleans and 2 HSPUs.
No misses on the cleans though which is good considering I have only completed a PR at 150lbs once and 145lbs twice previously.
PM: Team WOD
See photo of me and Corey going head to head with wall balls. It was a ton of fun. I rowed 4 sets of 250m and was able to hold in the 2:40s well even down around 2:43 for some of it. Rowing break through? Gotta maintain it for some 500s first!

Monday: Rest day 5 hrs sleep + 3 hr nap

Tuesday: 7/20/10 ~7hrs sleep, no nap
Power snatch
1x8 @ 70% every 30 sec (60lbs)
2 min rest
1x8 @ 80% every 30 sec (70lbs)
No misses; felt good. Working on eliminating the donkey kick. I'll look to record a few and check myself next time.

Deadlift/Pistol WOD from 2010 Games
AMRAP in 7 minutes of:
7 deadlifts @ 205lbs, 15m run across gym, 14 pistols, 21 double unders, 10-15m run back to bar
Rnd 1: 7 straight deads(0:27) 1:19 end of pistols(7 straight ea. side) 1:49 back to bar
Rnd 2 5/2 2:41 (:52) 3:44 end of pistols (4 on ea. 3 on ea.) 4:10 back to bar
Rnd 3 4/3 5:19 (1:09)/6:15 end of pistols (4 on ea. 3 on ea.) 6:38 back to bar
2 deads in 7 min Quit a bit early. The last dead didn't feel smooth so no need to push.

Great WOD. Suprised myself today. I was mentally ready to be on the bar for the deadlifts for a long time. I did not expect to pull 7 straight first set, but felt good doing so. Moved through the pistols comfortably. No misses. Did miss a bit on doubles. Lack of focus I guess starting to think about the deads coming up. I feel like I definitely could have finished that 4th round in a competition setting rather than me in my gym. Granted, I am fairly fresh though.
Was not motivated to WOD today, and originally planned on doing the middle couplet of the last WOD at the Games 3 Rnds of 30 toes to bar, 21 ground to overhead w/ 65lbs, but this is where I am strong. No need to practice this at the moment. MUST WORK WEAKNESSES!

7/21/10 5hrs sleep, 40min nap
WOD w/630 class
Max rep ring dips in 30 seconds @ the top of every 4 minutes. Used purple band

90 seconds row for max calories

30 seconds rest

60 seconds max rep kettlebell squat clean, left arm

30 seconds rest

60 seconds max rep kettlebell squat clean, right arm

30 seconds rest

30 seconds max rep toes to bar

30 seconds rest

Complete 3 total rounds.

Used 30lbs KB. Rounds were as follows

Rnd 1 24/17/17/17

Rnd 2 22/17/17/16

Rnd 3 19/14/15/17

For a total of 212. Just realized that I totaled my numbers wrong earlier on the CFA results. Oh well. This was a hard WOD. One day the row and I will be friends. One day.

Thursday, July 15, 2010

Deadlift WODs, Hang snatch work

Wednesday 7/14/10 6hrs sleep, 20 min nap
WOD only after 630pm class, solo.
3 rounds
7 deadlifts @ 155lbs
7 burpees
5 burpees
3 DLs
3 burpees
Rnd 1 ~ 1:23, 3:4something, 4:13 overall. Felt relaxed. I just kept moving.

Thursday 7/15/10 6hrs sleep+1.5hr nap
530pm Hang snatch 1x8@ 70% (65lbs) at the top of every 30 seconds, 2 min rest, 1x8@80% (75lbs) @ every 30 seconds. No misses felt good!

Thrusters w/630pm class
45lbsx5, 75lbsx5, 85lbsx3, 95lbsx3, 105lbsx5. I do not know if this is a 5RM, but for now it is. Felt good. A little tired and thus hard to focus.
WOD w/class. "Farmer Annie" Annie 50/40/30/20/10 double unders and situps w/100m farmer's carry in b/w each set. 35lbs kb in ea. hand. 11:49.
New record of 50 consecutive DUs in the first round. I thought about doing more, but will save it.

Completed 10 unassisted chest to bar pullups with pronated grip and 10 ring dips with no elbow pain! I have been doing my stretches. Corey is proud although still says I am not doing them frequently enough. Progress nonetheless.

Friday 7/16/10 5hrs sleep, 10 min cat nap before... Hero WOD "Johnson" AMRAP in 20 minutes of: 9 deadlifts (165lbs) 8 muscle ups 9 squat cleans (105lbs)
Round 1: 4:30
Round 2: 10
Round 3: 15:10
Round 4: 19:50
+2 DLs
Felt good. Especially considering this is my 4th day and considered resting. Tomorrow for sure. Lots of MUs and DLs this week. No misses on MUs. Did deads straight on Rnds 1/3/4. Didn't need to rest on the 2nd. Just was unsure of how I was feeling. A good week of training.

Tuesday, July 13, 2010

Pull-ups Max reps in 30 seconds
at the top of every 3 minutes.
I used the BLUE BAND. My left elbow has been bothering me and I keep asking Corey to work on my & he keeps asking me if I have been doing my stretches (ans: No/not enough). So, he won't work on me until I do. (No advantages to being married to a manual therapist for this girl.) Then, I told him that I have done less than 10 pullups in probably the last month b/c it is not that it hurts much at all, but I am paranoid that it will develop into more of a problem if not addressed. He told me to use a band and I admit that I flipped out a bit. "I don't use bands." Then, I realized that my ego was getting in my own way. Opps. I normally do not feel I am this way, but definitely at this point I caught myself. And, so I did a total of 74 pullups with the blue band and most importantly without PAIN!
Round 1: 16
Round 2: 16
Round 3: 20
Round 4: 22

I do not know what i was doing the first two rounds except for maybe worrying about the clock, as I had Carly and Lauren calling the time on the second two. Felt good. Pulled lower sternum (below the boobs) to the bar every rep. Held myself accountable for it. Also used a pronated grip which is my weaker grip.

300pm No nap.
Dynamic effort back squats @ 60% 108lbs 2x12 @ the top of every 30 seconds.
As many rounds as possible in 8 minutes of:
4 muscle-ups
8 power snatch (M-115lbs, W-75lbs)
4 Rnds+3 Muscle-ups

Sunday, July 11, 2010

Saturday 7/10/10 6 hrs sleep. Tired.
Dynamic effort front squats 60% of max 2x12 at the top of every minute. Used 90lbs. Didn't feel super fast, but a bit sore from yesterday.
Snatch (full squat) 1x12 at the top of every minute. 70% of max. Used 75lb. Missed number 9, but did an extra to make up for it. Felt good.

Sunday 7/11/10 7.5 hrs sleep

Anne is leaving us for med school and for her last WOD her boyfriend Chris, fellow CFer in Seattle, wrote the following for us:
"Dr. Freckles"

For time
400 m run, carry kettle bell (1.5/1p) and sandbag
30 shoulder to overhead 155/105
30 box jumps w/sandbag on shoulders
200 m run (same as previous)
30 front squats 155/105, bar is pulled from the floor
30 chest slap pushups
100 m run (same same)
30 double unders
30 wall ball to 12 ft target
15 cartwheels

Each time you set the KB down, 3 burpee penalty before the next movement. (No burpees today for me!)

The front squats were the best stimulus of this workout for me. I did 4x5 and then my last 10 straight. Felt good. The overhead was off today. Only clipping off 2 or 3 at a time. Box jumps were fun. I was actually able to land soft. They are certainly challenging.
Sean and I got to the wall ball at the same time and I said to him, "Don't let this come down to the cartwheels." It is always fun to talk trash concerning cartwheels. haha

Monday 7/12/10: Sleep 6hrs plus an amazing 3 hr nap. Rest day

Sunday, July 4, 2010

Sunday July 4th, 2010
Sleep 9hrs. Food from yesterday~7/10 Lots of good stuff (ie. piled high plates of local greens, wild salmon, local goat chz, grassfed porterhouse steak) but also had some treats in there (ie.trail mix w/crystallized ginger aka sugar & Boston Creme Pie Ben & Jerry's)

Power snatch: Working towards a 1RM to determine percentages 45,65,75,85,90 (too deep), 90 (too deep) 85 it is and that I caught a bit wide.

Front squats Dynamic effort 50% max 2x12 @ 1 min: 75lbs. Felt slow, but I did on the first day of dynamic with DL and BS too. This is the first day and was not originally on the plan, as I was just going to get the front squats in with the cleans, but I decided that I needed to add in some front squatting. When I am cleaning I am focusing on where I pull, catch and I just feel that the FS does not get the attention it deserves. I also feel that simply front squatting and improving there will if nothing else mentally prepare me for a heavier clean. For nearly a year now my power clean has been stronger than my front squat (presently it is equal) but I want my FS to be higher so that if I get my ass under the bar I will not doubt myself on getting out of the bottom.

6x200m hill sprints @ top of every 3 minutes. Ran stop sign @ Coxe & Sawyer to stop sign @ Church & Aston. My goal was to get faster on each. Almost made it. 45, 44,42,42,43,41
Corey noticed I am running louder on my right side and that calf felt tighter when running. He worked on me after.

Monday 7/5/2010: Rest day 7hrs sleep + 1.5hr nap

Tuesday 7/6/2010 sleep ~6hrs, no nap
Hang clean 1x10 @ 80% (106lbs) EMOM No misses and nothing ugly, but didn't feel my best.
Deadlift 2x12 @ 60% (144lbs) at the top of every 30 seconds.
230pm 95 degrees
3x800m (hill route here at the gym) with a 1:1 rest ratio (rest the same amt of time it takes to run)
1) 1:40/317
2) 1:33/2:10
3) 1:30/3:00
Felt good. Didn't want to do this today, but it's time I get myself in gear. It really isn't bad once I take that first step out the door.

Wednesday 07/07/10 sleep ~7hrs +1 hr nap
Short and sweet after 630 class
Dynamic effort back squats @ 50% 2x12 at the top of every 30 seconds. Not feeling super fast.

Thursday 07/08/10 sleep ~7hrs, no nap
No strength...slow to get motivated.
10,8,6,4,2 hang cleans @ 95lbs
20,16,12,8,4 burpees
Felt good. Hang cleans with no break. Can push faster...stepped up & back from all burpees on the sets of 16 and 12.

Friday 07/09/10 sleep: poor...4.5 hrs? no nap
Crazy team WOD which for me involved 2 500m rows (7000m for 5 person team) and a bunch of 52lbs power snatches. Felt alright on the rows. Pulled 156-158 for first 250ish and then dropped to 200-205 so probably averaged 201-202 for each. Worked for a total of ~27+ minutes on and off. Felt like I could puke at some point. Regardless it was a good one. We reached our goal. See the comments.

Friday, July 2, 2010

Wednesday 6/30/10 Rest day

Thursday 7/1/10
Max reps back squat in 30 seconds at the top of every 3 minutes. 70% of BS 1RM=126lbs

Round 1: 12
Round 2: 13
Round 3: 13+ (didn't totally stand up from the squat when time called)
Round 4: 11
Total reps: 49

Fun. Didn't know what to expect on this one. I was dropping my chest a bit. Should have a video up of my last round soon.

Friday 7/2/10
Have been getting good sleep for the most part this week with naps in the afternoon. But last night was not the case. My own fault. Sometimes it's just hard to get to bed early when I get home at 9pm. This was a night that I just wanted to chill out and relax and made that choice over sleep. So, slept about 5 hrs tonight. Didn't feel horrible, but I know that I will not optimally recover from those back squats. Gotta live and enjoy life. That's the most important part.

3pm training session. Have been at the gym coaching since 5am so a little sluggish.
squat clean and push jerk @ 80% of max EMOM 1x10 I do not actually know my max push jerk, but my max squat clean is 140lbs from regionals. Did 10 reps every minute on the minute...well, ended up being more like every 70-90seconds. Only about 3 of the 10 push jerks were optimal. The squat cleans were fairly solid. A few of the early ones on my toes, but for the most part solid. Can tell that I am sluggish.

Perhaps I will nap and then take my dog to the park or trails and get in some sprints. TBD...
No nap and thus no sprints just a two hour walk with Corey and Lloyd.

Saturday July 3rd, 2010 7.5hrs sleep
Dynamic effort shoulder press: 3x8 EMOM @~50% used 45lbs bar. (present max is 95lbs) Felt good. Having mild left elbow issues. Feel it on the way down and Corey said I am winging that elbow out a bit when I press.

Dynamic effort deadlift: 2x12 at the top of every 30sec @50% 120lbs. I love to deadlift. Felt good.
Still no motivation to sprint or WOD. I had considered running a 5k this morning, but the back squats on Thursday have left me with some sore adductors still.

Sunday, June 27, 2010

Hang snatch max, "Grizzly", PP/DL/HngCln Dynamic efforts

Sunday 6/27/10
Hang cleans 1x12@top of every 60sec @ 70% max so 93lbs today. Felt good
Deadlift 2x12 @ top of every 30sec @ 50% max 120lbs. Fun stuff.
Push press 2x12@ top of every 60sec@ 50% max 60lbs

For fun, bench press
5x45, 5x95, 8xBW (115lbs)

Monday 6/28/10
20 min AMRAP
1 minute max bear complex @ 65lbs
Rnd 1 7, Rnd 2 6, Rnd 3 6, Rnd 4 7, Rnd 5 7, Rnd 6 7 +100m run

Tuesday 6/29/10
Hang Snatch
45, 65x2, 75x2, 85F (behind), 85x1, 90F, 90, 95, 100F (behind), 100F (short, no opening), 100F
95lbs it is.

Saturday, June 26, 2010

Nasty Girls, 500mRows/KB Thrusters

Friday afternoon 6/25/2010 (tired, but stubborn)
I took the past two days off after the max rep deads. i didn't feel badly, but my sleep was not optimal and Corey made a big deal that I needed to "respect that workout". So, with a history of low back issues I sure did.
With two days in a row off and Corey going after a bodyweight snatch I thought I could sneak in a max effort as well. I know I JUST said in my last post that I was giving up on this, but ya know I thought I'd try.
Snatch: Do not have my progression on me, but I hit 100lbs and missed 105lbs. Not much new here.
Power clean and split jerk
1x105lbs (Left lead leg)
1x115lbs (right lead leg)
1x125lbs (left lead leg)
1x135lbs (right lead leg)
1x145lbsF on clean
1x140lbs (right lead leg)
1x145lbs F on clean
Done for day. My old PR is 145lbs @ sectionals on March 6th. This is the heaviest I've put overhead (or on my shoulders) in the gym. I struggle to get myself psyched up in the gym. I power cleaned 150lbs at regionals a month ago, but could not stand up the front squat.
WOD "Nasty Girls"
3 rounds of:
50 squats
7 muscle ups
10 hang power cleans @ 95lbs
Rnd 1: ~3:00
Rnd 2: ~6:30
Overall time: 9:40
PR by 10 seconds from last October (950) and a year ago time of 1345. I didn't realize I had gone sub 10 until after I did this. I need to get faster with my MUs. I am too cautious. I didn't miss any today though.

Saturday afternoon 6/26/2010

Dynamic effort back squat 2x12 EMOM @ 60% max (108lbs) felt solid


21 kettlebell thrusters with 35lbs bells
500m row
15 KBTs
9 KBTs
500m row

Two of my LEAST favorite things. This is my focus for the WODs you dread.
21: 7 in 0:40 13 in 1:50, 21 in 3:05
row #1 at damper setting of 3 2:02.1
15: 5 in 7:10, 10 in 7:58, 15 in 8:40
row #2 2:05.9 at damper setting of 5
9 straight
row #3 at damper setting of 1 2:05.9
Overall time 15:58

The row was so hard for me. I was pulling stroke rate of 22-28. My ass was burning. Ugh. KBs felt good though. I'm happy for that.

Friday, June 25, 2010

Push press 1RM, DL max reps in 30 sec

Monday June 21, 2010
Snatch at noon Working up to 8x90-95%
45, 65x3, 75x2, 85x1, 90x1, 95-95-95-95-100F-100F-95F-95F-95

C&J 730pm
45-88x2 (L&Rx1), 108 x2, 130xR, 130xL (press out), 130xR, 130xL (pressed) 130R F (breathed on way down), 130 F (both on jerk again can't get my timing down. feel off. may be tired.

I have officially given up on working towards such a strong focus on O-lifts that I was shooting for over a two week period. This already got spread out for a solid three weeks now as it proved to a bit too strong of a load on my shoulder. I have a history of a suspected labrum irritation so I just need to be smart. The PRs will come. I am not defeated, but ready to continue on with the strength cycle I originally wanted to follow beginning after regionals. What plan is this you ask? My husband put together a template and it involves some dynamic efforts, max reps in 30 seconds at the top of 3 minutes and then at the top of 90 seconds, gymnastics stuff with this same idea of max reps, various distance sprints, etc.
I'll be going after a few one rep maxes over the next couple of weeks to determine what to base my percentages after.

1 rep max push press: 45x2, 65x1, 85x1, 105x1, 115x1, 120x1, 125F

Deadlift @ 70% max (169) max reps in 30 sec at the top of every 3 minutes. So, later I am pretty sure that I failed to add 5lbs plates to each side so I was shooting for 168, but to be safe I'm saying that I only did 159lbs. Not sure how this occurred to me after the fact other than the fact that I have a photographic memory and I do NOT recall a bar with 15kg+10Kg+2.5lbs and 5lbs. Oh well, next time I'll get it right.

Rnd 1 17, Rnd 2, 17, Rnd 3 17, Rnd 4 18
Felt good

100m sprints at the top of every 3 minutes the hill starting from the stop sign
I felt good. Crisp, especially considering the work I did earlier. We (me and Tamara) did a time trial a few weeks ago in 15.7, but today we are unsure on where our starting line was. Today I started at the stop sign whereas I think before I started by the drain. Regardless the next time I go for a PR I will just do it on the track and shoot to break my high school record of 14.6 or 14.8...I'll be sure to go under 14.5 to play it safe!

Sunday, June 13, 2010

Olympic lifting sequence continued

Sunday 06/13/10
Didn't sleep the best last night. It's hot. ~7.5hrs
Had some beers last night (delicious Ninja Porter from Asheville Brewing Co. located conveniently just across the st. from my gym)

10 snatches @ 80% (85lbs
45x5, 65x3,85,F,85,85,85,F,85,85,85,85,85,85
Coaching in between took almost 30 minutes for 12 lifts

10 full squat clean and split jerks @ 80% (115lbs)
85x1, 110x1, 115R, 115L,115R,115L,115R,115L,115R,115L,115R,115L

It's my friend Kyle's 30th bday so I did 30 burpees for time before leaving the gym. 1:22.

Monday 06/14/10 6hrs of sleep, then an amazing 3hr nap b/w morning and evening classes!
Rest Day. Left shoulder is bothersome. We went tubing down the Davidson River yesterday and I seemed to further irritate it trying to paddle myself around Corey worked on it. Feeling better already, but want to rest it a bit. Just some anterior shoulder irritation.

Tuesday 06/15/10 7hrs of sleep. no nap
O-lifting continued. Shoulder feeling better. Corey treated it again (after I nagged him. haha)

Hang snatch @ 70% (75lbs) 8x2 at relaxed pace. Bunch of people in the gym so I took 21 minutes to complete these 16 lifts. No misses, but catching more on my heels than I would like. Particularly being that I never want to catch on my heels! Otherwise feel good.

Hang squat clean and jerk @ 70% (105lbs) 5x2 again at a relaxed pace. Alternated lead legs on split every set. About 10 minutes for all lifts. I think these multiple reps from the hang are what irritated my shoulder. In particular, when I bring it down from the overhead position back to the front rack. As a result I started throwing the wght down from overhead and taking the 2nd rep from the ground. I was also letting the bar dip down a bit after catching it overhead.

Still debating if I'm going to WOD or run sprints today...
WOD it was. The WOD at CrossFit Asheville AMRAP in 10 minutes of 7 deadlifts (135lbs), 7 knees to elbows, 7 burpees. 9 Rnds+5 deadlifts

Wednesday: Rest Day

Thursday Am 20x85lbs snatch missed 1 behind
PM started C&J @ 80% did 4 115lbs shoulder (L) was sore and bothersome. Ended up doing back sqts at 88lbs 2x12 EMOM felt good. 2nd half learning how to push more. excited to complete this series
3 hill sprints at home. with dogs. fairly chill pace

Friday Hang clean EMOM @ 80% (103lbs) missed 2nd rep, Deadlift @ 60% (143lbs) 2x12 felt good. Shoulder feelign better today. Not going overhead until tomorrow.

Saturday: Drank pizza and drank about 5 beers last night. Definitely feel toxic today. Did CFA's WOD "Franzilla"today especially b/c I really didn't want to. 21 front squats (7-7-7), 21 pullups (16-5), 15 push jerks (5-5-5), 15 pullups (9-6), 9 thrusters (3-3-3), 9 pullups (9) in 7:55 with 95lbs. Felt fairly smooth considering. I hate heavy thrusters!

Sunday: Ran mile on track to pace Tamara for a time we went 132, 305, 440, 625ish. This is a big improvement for her. I felt pretty good. Afterwards we went back to the gym and did 5x5 back squats @ 145lbs. My present 5RM is 148lbs so I'll take this. My chest was droppign a bit on the last couple reps of the last two sets. I rested 3-5 minutes b/w lifts.

Saturday, June 12, 2010

New Back Squat PR

Squatting is probably my weakest link in CrossFit. Why? Largely because the last three years I have spent CFing it is the thing I do the least...perhaps with the exception of L-sits. I have started squatting more over the past six months and this summer I am going to be squatting A LOT more.

I back squatted 160lbs back at the end of 2008 and then 6-9 months later when I tried maxing out my bck sqt again it was down to 150lbs. Shocking? No, b/c I didn't back squat during this time. I was a big cherry picker with strength training. Over the past year I've gotten it back up to 162lbs and then at the end of April I brought my 5rep to 147lbs and knew that I had a better one rep in me. Well, since I am preparing to do a strength cycle I want to know accurate 1RMs to base percentages off. So, today although feeling a bit worn down I went for it.

Results? I set a new PR by 18lbs hitting 180lbs. I was pleasantly surprised. The best/worst part is that it didn't even feel difficult as I imagine a heavy squat to feel. Here is a link to a large reason why I know it felt this way. The young yet wise Dutch Lowy discusses that strength is often not about an individual's size, but rather the amount of muscle mass you can activate. I was well aware of how little muscle mass I was able to activate today. While I was happy with the improvement, I definitely felt like my body cannot figure out how/where to contract in order to push out of the bottom of a squat. I have a great strength plan for the summer with lots of dynamic effort work. The focus on this is learning how to stand FAST! I'll keep you all posted.
Today's progression:
5x88lbs, 3x115lbs, 2x125lbs, 2x135lbs, 1x145lbs, 1x155lbs, 1x165lbs PR, 1x175lbs PR, 1x185lbsF (dropped chest), 1x180lbs PR!, 1x182.5lbsF (accidentally loaded bar wrong...guess that means it's time to be done!)

Day two of the Olympic Lifting series to build up for some new records in the snatch and clean and jerk.
Hang snatch @ 70% max snatch 8x2 for the snatch (75lbs) ~EMOM. Hit all and felt great.
Hang clean and split jerk (alternating lead legs) @ 70% max C&J (103lbs) Hit all and felt a bit tired.

Time to eat and then nap!

Tuesday, June 8, 2010

100m time trial, Max hang clean, 500m row PR

06/07/10 ~7.5hrs sleep
50 chest to bar pullups 23 consecutive then of 3:27 for the 50. Corey took 5-7 reps away.

100m sprints
15.7, 16.4, 15.9
100m route is NOT on a track, but rather fairly flat the first 40m and then a decent climb (may 50% grade) for the last 60m. Welcome to Asheville. Hopefully I'll be able to break 14.5 on a track. My best 100m in high school was 14.8 my senior year. I don't think we ever did 100m time trials in college. At least not with the distance crew. haha My "untrained speed" has always been pathetic. I worked for it a lot during high school. I remember odd things and below are my yearly time trial times through high school:
freshman year: 17.8
sophomore year: 16.5
junior year: 15.7
senior year: 14.8 200m: 30.3, 400m 62.4, 800m 2:19 (relay), 1600m 5:05, 3200m 11:05 in college I never improved these times, but I ran a 5k in 18:02 (2001) and 10k in 37:14??

06/08/10 ~7hrs sleep
hang clean finding a max
5x45, 5x65, 5x88, 3x108, 1x118, 1x128lbs, 1x133lbs stood it up, but my chest dropped. Max for today. Previous best was 3x125lbs.
Partner WOD with noon class
In a group of two complete 2 rounds of:
20 manmakers (8lbs dumbbells), 40 burpees, 60 double unders. Only one person working at a time, while resting the partner resting must hold a plate overhead. I held a 10lbs plate and coached the class while doing so. That was a fun experience. Where's the camera when you need it? My partner, Jess, and I split the reps in half. Overall time of 14:58ish. Planned to do HSPUs after the noon class, but participation in this WOD was unplanned. Will save those HSPUs for Thursday!

06/09/10 ~6hrs sleep
4 sets of max handstand push ups at the top of every 3 minutes. Used parallettes and bands. Red band over 8' bar, purple band as harness. Head touched ground for each. Parallettes sat on red square mat to prevent slip.
Rnd 1: 14
Rnd 2: 10
Rnd 3: 10
Rnd 4: 8

06/10/10 ~7hrs sleep
Rowing is NOT a strength of mine. At the SE regionals I dug myself a hole not only on the squat clean (50th place with 140lbs as max squat clean). Then, I don't even know what place in the 2 rounds of 500m row, 25 burpee hurdles. Not quite as bad as the squat clean being that I could redeem myself a bit on burpees as I was unphased on the row, but just couldn't pull for shit. I averaged like 2:07 for each 500m. My old PR is 1:55 from well over a year ago. I dont' think I have attempted a p.r. since. I hate to row and rarely do it....until this summer that is.
David put me on the spot in the middle of the 9am class and told me to row a 500 with him. I wasn't warmed up, but you don't need to be too warm to row. It was good for me, as with the eyes of the class watching my screen I was even pulling at 1:46 and 1:48 for a bit...I have NEVER even been able to get the monitor to read under 1:50 for a few pulls of literally anything. My overall time was 1:51.5! 4 seconds off my old time! I guess I'm starting to figure something out.
Did the WOD with the 6:30pm class AMRAP in 8 minutes of 8 plyo push-ups (slapped the chest) and 16 kettlebell snatches @ 35lbs. Was being a baby about some potential tears on my hand that I did not want to reopen. I was not hitting my KB snatches very clean, as the day after I have the forearm bruises to prove it. 3 rnds+14 reps.
400m run on the hill loop 1:21

6/11/10 sleep ~5hrs
O-lifting tons for the next two weeks or so and then going for new 1RMs. Coach Wilkes from CF Chesapeake gave me this series to ready me for some new PRs. Today was the first day.
15 snatches @ 80% ~every minute on the minute (85lbs) Missed one of the 15. He didn't tell me to go EMOM, but I was rushed for time to coach the next class.
15 squat clean and split jerk (alternating lead legs) @ 80% (115lbs)again ~EMOM, no misses

I am feeling the lack of sleep with the first week back after vacation. Difficult to get back on schedule especially in regards to going to sleep at night which trying to get caught with emails and what not.

Sunday, June 6, 2010

First day back=Start of Strength Cycle

Post Southeast regionals and 4 days in Jamaica with my husband Corey.

Body is feeling a bit rough after a week of not excessive at any one point, but consistent alcohol and simple sugar consumption. The first thing I did when I got home was make a salad with fresh greens, avocado, EVOO and delicious spices. The only thing missing was some steak. Had a couple beers and smores with reeses cups last night so I'm not back on 100% clean or anything.
Warm-up: 500m row (2:03) it is all I can do to pull under 2:00 for any pace. I hit 1:57 and 1:59 for a bit, but unable to maintain it. David says he can see what I'm doing wrong. Sooo, we're sure as hell going to keep working on it. Foam roll and then...

Clean and Jerk @ 70% of max 1x12@60sec
Did full squat cleans and push jerks 101lbs was 70%. Used 103lbs. Felt smooth. My push jerks didn't start to feel right until about the 6th lift, but it is good to work them.

Deadlift @ 50% of max 2x12@60sec
Used 120lbs. Felt good. Still hard for me to feel like I am standing up fast enough, but I am working on it.

Overall, I am stiff today from a week of little to no movement and little to no stretching. My low back was a bit tight for the C&J but felt fine for the DL. Will see my husband Corey for some ART this week and my housemate Kat for some drop table work on my pelvis. I am super thankful for the regular access I have to quality bodywork. Kat is becoming a bad ass CFer herself. It definitely makes a difference when the doc can directly relate to the demands CFers expect of their bodies.

Saturday, May 22, 2010

Some heavy snatching and new OHS/FS PRs!

Sunday May 15th CF Kids Cert...I rested the whole day. I can't believe I trained 6 days straight. I NEVER do that!
Monday May eye flight home. Minimal sleep. Exhausted!
Tuesday May hamstrings are still killing me from the past week. Another rest day indeed.

Wednesday May 18, 2010
3 rounds of:
7 push jerks at 105lbs
7 box jumps at 28"
Time: 3:26

Thursday May 19, 2010
Snatch work

65lbsx5, 75lbsx3, 85lbsx1, 95lbsx1, 100lbsx1, 105lbs F,F,F, 95lbs a bunch of random reps
Had 5 minutes to spare before running the noon class so I set the clock for 5 minutes and went for one rep every 30 seconds. Completed 8 of the 10 attempts. Feel good with this one. Definitely my favorite lift!

Friday May 20, 2010
Didn't exactly plan to train, but had to wait for Corey so decided to OHS as I have been thinking about going for a new 1RM ever since Tamara OHS 125lbs a few weeks ago and then yesterday she upped it to 135lbs. My old PR of 120lbs is old news.

5x65lbs, 75lbs, 88lbs, 3x98lbs, 1x110lbs, 1x120lbs, 1x125lbs, 1x130lbs, 1x135lbs, 140lbsF. I was totally unfocused on the 140lbs. I put it put it overhead, squatted into the bottom, foled in half and fell on my ass. Decided to go for a new front squat rather than attempt again.
Front squat
went back down to 11olbsx1, 130lbsx1, 140lbsx1, 150lbsx1. 10lbs pr

Thursday, May 6, 2010

Mile Run Time Trial, African Regional WOD

May 6th, 2010
Rest Day

May 5th, 2010
Mile run for time. 3 lap block route on the roads (down Church St, L on Hillard, L on S. Lexington, L on Aston L to finish the block on South French Broad) with half downhill and half a gradual uphill.

May 6th, 2010
Thrusters at 65lbs 15 reps for time at the top of every 4 minutes
33 seconds
31 seconds
30 seconds

5 rounds of
250m row
5 squat cleans at 45kgs (99lbs)
5 handstand pushups (head to floor, no kip)

Rnd 1) 2:30
Rnd 2) 5:20 (2:50)
Rnd 3) 8:00 (2:40)
Rnd 4) 10:38 (2:38)
Rnd 5) 13:05 (2:27)

Tuesday, May 4, 2010



45lbsx5, 65lbsx5, 85lbsx5, 95lbsx11, 95lbsx9, 95lbsx9, 95lbsx10

3:50 pullups 15,6
7:20 10,3,2
8:48 9

Sunday, May 2, 2010

Push jerks and line sprints

Friday 105lbs thrusters/5 muscle ups
3/2 1-1-1-1-1
3/2 1-F-F-1-1-1-1

Back started to tighten.

Saturday May 1, 2010
Round 1) 15 straight 208
Round 2) 6/5/4 527
Round 3) 6/4/3/2 928

Got on the scale today for the first time in about a month. Since I did the bodyweight back squat WOD. Today 114 lbs.
5x45lbs, 5x88lbs, 5x110lbs, 5x130lbs

Clean (full squat) and Jerk (split)
Long warm up progression
2x45lbs, 2x65lbs, 2x75lbs, 2x85lbs, 2x95lbs, 2x105lbs, 2x110lbs (1 with each leg leading for split jerk)
One rep every minute on the minute for 20 minutes at 80% of 1RM C&J (145lbs). Today's working weight was 115lbs. I alternated the lead leg for the jerk every other minute. So, 10 on the left leg, 10 on the right leg. The right leg is my dominate leg, but the jerks on the left were feeling good today.

Tuesday, April 27, 2010

Back squat x5, Snatches, Row

Back squats 10x45lbs, 5x88lbs, 5x110lbs, 5x132lbs, 5x142lbs, 4x152lbs F on 5, 5x147lbs
Snatch 12x2 on the top of every minute at 70% max (105lbs) so working weight of 85lbs. Felt great, no misses. Finally getting more aggressive after the snatch since recent injury. First time I've gone for more than 75lbs. I felt that I was hesitant for my first couple and then I started getting under the bar quick. You know what they say, "Nothing feels quite like a good snatch."

Coaching the noon class and then I'm on to the C2 that I avoid.

4x400m with 2 minutes recovery. 2 minute rest after the last 400m and then 100 double unders.
row #1 139.3
row #2 138.8
row #3 136.9
row#4 136.6
100 DUs 2:12

Hopefully they'll want us to run and not row at regionals. It's all my mighty 115lbs can do to muster a sub 2:00 pace. I noticed that my three strong pulls that I would do at the start of each row helped me feel strong for the next 100m after which it was hard to pull under 2:03. So, the 2-4th sets I started doing three strong hard strokes at the start of each 100m. No clue if this is effective, but it enabled me to hold around 200 and sometimes under the last couple.
I am bad at practicing double unders as well. Sometimes I do a quick set or two once a week to serve as my general warm-up, but I rarely spend any time "practicing double unders". This has changed.

Monday, April 26, 2010

Sunday April 27th, Shoulder Press

Shoulder Press

80x5, 84x4, 84x4, 90x1, 95xF

push press
35x5, 55x5, 75x5, 85x5x5

"The Hangman"
3 rounds of:
15 hang power cleans 88lbs
15 burpees