Thursday, April 30, 2009

Box Jump Again

Monday April 27, 2009 Sleep 7.5hrs, 1hr nap

21-15-9 of:

Time: 12:43
Missed 2 of the snatches. Went a fairly conservative pace with them. First set of 21 pull-ups did 16 and 5 then 15 and 9 straight.

Tuesday April 28, 2009 Sleep 7 hrs, 1hr nap

RUN: 5pm Tabata hill intervall 8x 20sec on/10sec off
Ran with Lloyd on leash. He wasn't too much of a problem just made it a little slow on some of the starts. Ran hill in dev. next to my apt. Aster Way or something like that. I did hill repeats on this a few weeks ago with James. This time I made it just over the crest at the top (probably 20m past) during the last 20 second run. I ran a couple strides and walked the dogs for warm-up and cool down. Hoka ran too but doesn't bother the neighbors' dogs so was off the leash. Lloyd is a dane mix and a little more intimidating if he sees other dogs to go sniff.
I'll call it a half mile for today.

WOD: 8:30pm
"The Hilt"
100lb squat cleans,
Did this one solo. A 3 second improvement with a weight 2lbs heavier from when I did this WOD on 3/24/09. It's minimal, but I'll take it. I remember it seeming MUCH harder last time as well. When I do work-outs by myself I tend not to push as hard, but try to just move steadily through it.
Wednesday April 29, 2009 Sleep 6hrs, no nap TIRED
2hr hike in afternoon with dogs. Easy pace. Mild hills to climb.

Strength/Skill Work: 8:00pm
Shoulder press 10x 45, 5x65, 75, 3x80 1x95, 1x99.1lbs PR then back down to 5x75, 75, 75lbs

WOD 8:30pm
As Many Rounds As Possible in 10 minutes of
200m run, 20 Knees to Elbows

5 rounds plus about 30m run
I probably did about 5-8 extra knees to elbows. I was being really strict with myself. If I did not make contact with my knees it didn't count. I don't want to get into the regional and be pissed off because someone tells me a rep didn't count. I'm a strickler on form with myself and clients as it is, but want to be extra certain here with just over 2 weeks to go!!
Thursday April 30, 2009 Sleep 7.5hrs, 1hr nap
Rest Day!
I don't feel horrible, but am making myself rest after 3 work days and sub par sleep. I did a few handstands and maybe like 3 muscle ups but other than that it was a strict rest.

Friday May 1, 2009: Sleep 6hrs
Strength/Skill Work Noonish:
Double under practice
Light Push Jerk practice 5x 45, 65, 75, 86, 95, 100lbs

Skill Work 5:30pm : Jumped in with my class for some max effort box jumps. No falls this time and I hit 39.5" this time. If you see the video from below I wiped out pretty just under 2 weeks ago at 39". Two inch improvement. I'll take it. Next time...40!
Would still like to get in a WOD tonight. Need Corey to work on my hamstring. Want to do the double under and heavy DL WOD but it may wait until tomorrow. Maybe I'll do running and double unders tonight. TBC...

Monday, April 20, 2009

Can't make them all...

Sunday April 19, 2009: Sleep 10hrs. Yes!

Rest Day! As the day went on the soreness from Saturday's workout crept in. I cleaned my apt and did laundry.

Monday April 20, 2009: Sleep 5.5hrs, 3hrs afternoon nap.

Back Squat 5x 45, 75, 95, 115, 125, 135, 140, 135, 130, 130lbs

Muscle-up practice

Tuesday April 21, 2009: Sleep 5.5hrs, 1 hr nap

Sore from yesterday's back squats. This is the most soreness I've had in sometime.


100 chest to bar pull-ups

100 push-ups

100 sit-ups

100 squats


Double under practice! Need lots of work!

Wednesday April 22, 2009: Sleep 5hrs, 2 hr nap

Rest Day

So sore and tired after back squatting and then the 100 fast squats with Angie really put me under. Played around with double unders and a few muscle ups but other than that, rest!

Thursday April 23, 2009: Sleep 6hrs

Strength work: Deadlift 5x 135, 155, 175, 185, 185, 185, 185, 190lbs

15lbs under my 5 rep PR but I wanted to get in some work sets as the last time I maxed out for a 5 rep DL my posterior chain was done for days. Not the ideal stimulus when getting ready for regionals. I already put myself under a but too much for my liking with the squats earlier this week. More double under practice, slowly being able to link them a little better but other than that still weak.

Friday April 24, 2009: Sleep 6hrs

Variation of WOD from Mid-Atlantic Qualifier this weekend

800m run

21 overhead squats (3okg/66lbs)

21 box jumps (20 inches)

400m run

15 overhead squats

15 box jumps

200m run

9 overhead squats

9 box jumps

Total time: 10:13

Note: The runs are NOT exact and I'd say 800 and 400 are definitely short. However, adding up these runs relative to the same WOD done at the mid atlantic regional (400m run per round) and this is 200m more in distance so it probably comes close to equally out. Now that I'm posting this late and I've seen the times from that WOD I'm pretty pleased with the effort. I felt like I had dogged it stepping down from all box jumps except for the last set of 9. Good stuff. Definitely didn't feel fresh either which other than the first WOD I will not feel fresh at the midwest regionals.

I strung about 10 consecutive double unders today! This is a big deal for me. Slowly but surely I will conquer that dang jump rope.

Saturday April 25, 2009: Sleep 7.5 hrs

2k row: 8:28 (1k split was 4:12 so slowed down 4 secs over the final 1k)

I was trying to hold a pace that I allowed me to feel like I could get off the urg and go into a second part of the work-out. I did some box jumps...well box step ups as soon as I got off and while I could have done something I definitely respect that dang urg.

Sunday April 26, 2009: Sleep 7hrs

Rest Day

Friday, April 17, 2009

Rest, Snatch, Run

Thursday April 16, 2009: Sleep 6 hrs, 3 hr nap!! Nap felt amazing!

Rest Day!! Did minimal agility work and a few muscle-ups. Was almost able to string 3 in a row. My wrists are pretty ripped up.

Friday April 17, 2009: Sleep 5.5hrs, no nap. :(

Strength/skill work: Noonish

Snatch practice: Did 3-5 snatch balances at each of the following weights, rested 1-2 minutes and hit 3-5 snatches per weight. 45lbs, 55, 60, 65, 70, 75lbs. The snatches at 75 were not the prettiest. I did 5 singles with about a minute rest b/w each. All were caught pretty much completely upright and would have to press to lock out. This equals my PR only I wasn't able to power snatch it (catch standing rather than in the squat) when I hit it before. Was feeling tired so called it quits before heading out to run.

RUN 2pm Trails at Bent Creek 3-5 min walk warm-up, 2 strides 10 squats. Started at first trail sign about trees growing high? (sorry this means nothing to u) on wolf lodge trail. 60sec on, 60sec rest, 60sec on, 50sec R, 60sec on 40sec R, 60sec on, 30sec R, 60sec on 20sec R, 60sec on 10sec R, 60sec on (turned around at 10 min which was 30sec into this 60sec on...turned at gate by lodge) 20sec R, 60sec on 30sec R, 60sec on 40sec R, 60sec on 50sec R, 60sec on 60sec R, 60sec on 60 sec R, 60sec on...hit start point at 20:25. The way back had some substantial uphills that I hit on the running portion of the way out so hard to say if it was just more challenging home or how much I slowed. Felt fairly consistent.
Total run: ~2miles

Had plans of hitting a WOD in the pm but without a nap I was feeling quite sluggish. Just b/c I'm focused on the regionals now I still need to stay smart to allow proper recovery.

Videos are of standing box jumps off padded carpet. The first (sorry for the sideways shot) was at 37.5" and the 2nd is a miss at 39". As you'll see I get both feet up there but unable to stand it up. Next time...

Wednesday, April 15, 2009

CrossFit Midwest Regional

Tuesday April 14, 2009: Sleep 6 hrs, no nap

WOD: 3 Rounds of

4 Handstand push-ups

8 Chest-to-bar pull-ups

12 Deadlifts, 135lbs

16 Box Jumps, 20" box

Time: 5:07

I have been contemplating over whether or not I should go to the CrossFit regionals located in Ohio in mid-May. I would obviously love to compete with other CrossFitters. However, with my husband and I both young grads and trying to get two business up and running (Stay Active Clinic and the CrossFit box) the budget is a little tight. However, one of our partners with CrossFit Asheville has been trying to convince me to go. So, Tuesday we had a deal breaker...

There was a video posted in the CrossFit Journal recently with the women's winners from the past two years and two other girls from Ohio all going head to head at the work-out listed above. Of the 4 girls their times were 5:14, 5:51, 6;23 and 6:27. The top two times were of the two previous winners so I agreed to do the same work-out as the girls in the video and if I could break 6 minutes then I would go. There is such constant variation in the work-outs that it is difficult to tell how one would do in advance. Long story short I did it last night and to my own surprise finished in 5:07. (See above video...and my apologies for the amateur camera man. He meant well, but forgot that you can't simply rotate various portions of the video [at least I don't know how to!] as you can with the photos)

Today I officially registered. One month to pump up the training intensity a bit...mostly hit some big weights especially with squatting, get more rest, eat well, etc. Most of all I want to go in relaxed and just have as much fun as possible. It is going to be completely different from anything I've EVER done.

What will I have to do there??

There will be three events on Saturday announced and one final event Sunday. The work-outs for Saturday will be announced May 1st and Sunday's work-out is announced on Saturday. The whole idea of the CrossFit Games is to determine the best all around athlete as CrossFit itself is described as, "the sport of fitness". Thus, they don't allow people to know too far in advance to avoid skill specific training.

Wednesday April 15, 2009: Sleep 6hrs, 20 minute pm period of shut eye. Didn't really fall asleep but felt better after.

Strength/skill work:

Overhead Squats

5 x 45lbs, 65, 80, 85, 90, 95, 95lbs

100 x2, 100x 1, 105x1

Muscle-up practice. I did my first muscle up back in Feb the first week we opened Stay Active CrossFit. I've been bad about working them very often these days especially because we were without pull-up bars to hang them from for the past 3 weeks while we moved the pull-up system during our merger with CrossFit Asheville. However, they are now up and I have no excuse not to get on them! I felt good today hitting them and even was able to string two together without coming down from the rings for the first time.

Feeling tired today. Definitely need get more sleep somehow. We close the gym at 9pm and reopen at either 6am (M/W/F) or 7am (T/R). That's makes it very challenging to get home, take care of the dogs, cook food for the next day and get a full night of sleep. Going to have to really maximize on afternoon naps.

Monday, April 13, 2009

Single Arm Snatch

Monday April 13, 2009: Sleep 6hrs, 2 hr nap
Agility drills then
2 Rounds of
10 ring dips
10 supermans
10 overhead squats with PVC

Dumbbell snatch practice.

WOD: As many rounds as possible in 12 minutes of...
10 single arm snatch, 25lb dumbbell (5 each arm)
10 knees to elbows
8 rounds + 5 right arm snatches

Burpees and Hills

Wednesday April 8, 2009: Sleep 4hrs, nap 20minutes Ouch.
Rest Day!

Thursday April 9, 2009: 7.5hrs sleep
WOD: Complete 5 Rnds for time of
20 Box Jumps (20")
20 Kettlebell swings (35lbs)
Time 11:27

Friday April 10, 2009: 6hrs sleep
WOD: 100 burpees for time
First 50 in 2:58 then 100 in 5:50
I did this workout on July 5th, 2009 and did 100 burpees in 8:58.
Burpees are brutal! Give them a try and then tell me if you still don't understand what I do for "cardio".

Satuday April 11, 2009: 7.5hrs sleep
Strength work 11am:
Working towards 1 rep max of the following
Back squat: 5x95lbs, 3x115lbs, 2x132lbs, 1x142lbs, 1x147lbs, 152lbs F, 1x 152lbs
Shoulder Press: 5x65lbs, 3x80lbs, 1x88lbs, 1x93, 1x94, 1x94, 94F
Was planning on deadlifting as well but ran out of time so called it a morning.
Back squatting and shoulder press are my two lifts that I have been at a standstill at for some time now. I've back squatted 160lbsx1 before a good 6 months ago now. To be fair to myself this is the 2nd time I've back squatted this year and the first time with squat stands. (without stands someone else racks the weight onto your back and for me it is mentally far more challenging to not walk the weight off the rack yourself.) As for the shoulder press I was having some stiffness in my left thoroacic erectors after the burpees yesterday and my pressing felt off as a result. I've been stuck between 93lbs and 98lbs for a 1 rep max shoulder press since last fall. Again, it seems I'm a head case to get my press into triple digits. Just need to work the press AND back squat a bit more consistently! All in time.
See videos below of my 93lb shoulder press and 152lb back squat.
Run 5pm:
Ran a 0.85 hilly loop in a neighborhood near my apt. Worked on the uphill which is the portion I timed and recovered on the downhill portion. Ran a total of 3 uphill climbs and hit 20 minutes about 30 seconds after the last climb so walked the remainder down with Corey and our dogs.
1st climb: 1st street in 1:30, hit top in 3:43
2nd climb: 1st street in 1:27, hit top in 3:21
3rd climb: 1st street in 1:29, hit top in 3:18
Total distance: 2.25 miles
Sunday April 12, 2009: Sleep 7.5hrs
Rest Day: Hike 2 hrs at Bent Creek Went super slow and feeling very sluggish. The fact that I'm quite dehydrated didn't help matters.
Estimated weekly mileage: 2.25miles
Total estimated mileage 2009: 34.25 miles

Monday, April 6, 2009

Thrusters 104lbs x 5

Monday April 6, 2009: 7 hrs sleep, afternoon nap 3 hrs! Felt great to sleep.
100 feet walking lunge
30 push ups
30 sit ups
100 feet walking lunge
25 push ups
25 sit ups
100 feet walking lunge
20 push ups
20 sit ups
100 feet walking lunge
15 push ups
15 sit ups
100 feet walking lunge
10 push ups
10 sit ups
100 feet walking lunge
5 push ups
5 sit ups
Time 9:30

Tumbling practice

Tuesday April 7, 2009 Sleep: 7hrs

Strength work: Thrusters 5x 45lbs, 65, 75, 85, 95, 99.1 (20kg bar), 104lbs x 5 New PR! If it works you can see video of the 104lb set below.
Some tumbling then...
WOD: 30 Turkish Get-ups with 25lb kettlebell in 6:56

Sunday, April 5, 2009

Sunday March 5, 2009: 7hrs sleep. Still not enough.
Active Rest: 7 mile hike causal pace, a little over 3 hours. My legs are really tired and heavy. I felt sluggish just walking. May take tomorrow off as well if this doesn't improve. Beautiful day!

Saturday, April 4, 2009

Track Intervals

Sunday March 29, 2009: Ahh, day of rest. 9 hrs sleep.
Active Rest. Short hike due to unexpectedly cold weather near mountain tops. Probably about 30 minutes.

Monday March 30, 2009: 6 hrs sleep
AM: consisted of random gymnastics work and I got my gymnastics kip on the low bar!
PM WOD: 10 rounds of 200m run (estimated) and 10 burpees: 15:36

Tuesday March 31, 2009: 6 hrs sleep, no nap
Noon RUN:
On local middle school track. Warmed up with some squats, push-ups, lunges, a few strides and stretching particularly quads and calves. Then:
5 minutes on with 400 splits of 93, 98, 97, 4:48 for 1400m
2:30 rest
4 minutes on with 400m splits of 94, 97, and 3:56 for 1k
2:00 rest
3 minutes on with 400m split of 89/91 for a 3:00 800
2:00 rest
2 minutes on 400m splits of 87.6 and ran about 530m
2:00 rest
1 minute on started at the 300m mark, covered 300 in 56.7 and finished out the 3+ seconds
Total estimated distance: 3 miles
Stretch, hit some squats and walk to car for cool down.
I was pleasantly surprised with my run today. I had some heavy legs from last nights 10 200s and burpees but still felt very relaxed during the run. Looking forward to next time.

PM Strength work:
Some brief deadlifts with 5x135, 155 and 3x175, 198, 201 Felt tired and didn't finish work set.
Handstand work.

Wednesday April 1, 2009: Only about 4 hrs of sleep last night with an hour nap. YIKES!
Strength work: Push jerk 5x 75, 85, 95, 100lbs and then cut short as classes got busy. Felt good.

Thursday April 2, 2009: 7 hrs sleep
PM WOD: 5 rounds of 10 sand bag cleans with ~60lbs, 30 sit ups time: 7:38
20 minutes of tumbling, bar and ring work. Hit a round-off double back handspring tonight. This is the first time I've done this stuff in about 12+ years. Lots of fun.

Friday April 3, 2009: 6 hrs sleep
Light evening strength work: Power cleans worked up to 100lbs and then cut it off as I was doing a group run 30 minutes later.
RUN: Was expected to be a 5k but James and I didn't make up the route yet were leading and made a wrong turn. Who knows how much farther we ran but ended up running 24:18 total at tempo effort. Very HILLY! Legs were heavy and felt really hard.
Estimated distance: 4 miles

Saturday April 4, 2009: 7 hrs sleep
WOD: As many rounds as possible in 20 minutes of 200m waiters walk holding 45lb plate overhead, 15 box jumps 20" and 10 clapping push-ups. Did 4 rounds + ~150m waiters walk. The weight was so tiring to hold overhead. By far the limiting factor. Fun workout. It was a beautiful day out.
Afternoon hike for 2+ hrs.

Estimated weekly mileage: 7 miles
Total estimated mileage 2009: 32 miles