Sunday, June 27, 2010

Hang snatch max, "Grizzly", PP/DL/HngCln Dynamic efforts

Sunday 6/27/10
Hang cleans 1x12@top of every 60sec @ 70% max so 93lbs today. Felt good
Deadlift 2x12 @ top of every 30sec @ 50% max 120lbs. Fun stuff.
Push press 2x12@ top of every 60sec@ 50% max 60lbs

For fun, bench press
5x45, 5x95, 8xBW (115lbs)

Monday 6/28/10
20 min AMRAP
1 minute max bear complex @ 65lbs
Rnd 1 7, Rnd 2 6, Rnd 3 6, Rnd 4 7, Rnd 5 7, Rnd 6 7 +100m run

Tuesday 6/29/10
Hang Snatch
45, 65x2, 75x2, 85F (behind), 85x1, 90F, 90, 95, 100F (behind), 100F (short, no opening), 100F
95lbs it is.

Saturday, June 26, 2010

Nasty Girls, 500mRows/KB Thrusters

Friday afternoon 6/25/2010 (tired, but stubborn)
I took the past two days off after the max rep deads. i didn't feel badly, but my sleep was not optimal and Corey made a big deal that I needed to "respect that workout". So, with a history of low back issues I sure did.
With two days in a row off and Corey going after a bodyweight snatch I thought I could sneak in a max effort as well. I know I JUST said in my last post that I was giving up on this, but ya know I thought I'd try.
Snatch: Do not have my progression on me, but I hit 100lbs and missed 105lbs. Not much new here.
Power clean and split jerk
1x105lbs (Left lead leg)
1x115lbs (right lead leg)
1x125lbs (left lead leg)
1x135lbs (right lead leg)
1x145lbsF on clean
1x140lbs (right lead leg)
1x145lbs F on clean
Done for day. My old PR is 145lbs @ sectionals on March 6th. This is the heaviest I've put overhead (or on my shoulders) in the gym. I struggle to get myself psyched up in the gym. I power cleaned 150lbs at regionals a month ago, but could not stand up the front squat.
WOD "Nasty Girls"
3 rounds of:
50 squats
7 muscle ups
10 hang power cleans @ 95lbs
Rnd 1: ~3:00
Rnd 2: ~6:30
Overall time: 9:40
PR by 10 seconds from last October (950) and a year ago time of 1345. I didn't realize I had gone sub 10 until after I did this. I need to get faster with my MUs. I am too cautious. I didn't miss any today though.

Saturday afternoon 6/26/2010

Dynamic effort back squat 2x12 EMOM @ 60% max (108lbs) felt solid


21 kettlebell thrusters with 35lbs bells
500m row
15 KBTs
9 KBTs
500m row

Two of my LEAST favorite things. This is my focus for the WODs you dread.
21: 7 in 0:40 13 in 1:50, 21 in 3:05
row #1 at damper setting of 3 2:02.1
15: 5 in 7:10, 10 in 7:58, 15 in 8:40
row #2 2:05.9 at damper setting of 5
9 straight
row #3 at damper setting of 1 2:05.9
Overall time 15:58

The row was so hard for me. I was pulling stroke rate of 22-28. My ass was burning. Ugh. KBs felt good though. I'm happy for that.

Friday, June 25, 2010

Push press 1RM, DL max reps in 30 sec

Monday June 21, 2010
Snatch at noon Working up to 8x90-95%
45, 65x3, 75x2, 85x1, 90x1, 95-95-95-95-100F-100F-95F-95F-95

C&J 730pm
45-88x2 (L&Rx1), 108 x2, 130xR, 130xL (press out), 130xR, 130xL (pressed) 130R F (breathed on way down), 130 F (both on jerk again can't get my timing down. feel off. may be tired.

I have officially given up on working towards such a strong focus on O-lifts that I was shooting for over a two week period. This already got spread out for a solid three weeks now as it proved to a bit too strong of a load on my shoulder. I have a history of a suspected labrum irritation so I just need to be smart. The PRs will come. I am not defeated, but ready to continue on with the strength cycle I originally wanted to follow beginning after regionals. What plan is this you ask? My husband put together a template and it involves some dynamic efforts, max reps in 30 seconds at the top of 3 minutes and then at the top of 90 seconds, gymnastics stuff with this same idea of max reps, various distance sprints, etc.
I'll be going after a few one rep maxes over the next couple of weeks to determine what to base my percentages after.

1 rep max push press: 45x2, 65x1, 85x1, 105x1, 115x1, 120x1, 125F

Deadlift @ 70% max (169) max reps in 30 sec at the top of every 3 minutes. So, later I am pretty sure that I failed to add 5lbs plates to each side so I was shooting for 168, but to be safe I'm saying that I only did 159lbs. Not sure how this occurred to me after the fact other than the fact that I have a photographic memory and I do NOT recall a bar with 15kg+10Kg+2.5lbs and 5lbs. Oh well, next time I'll get it right.

Rnd 1 17, Rnd 2, 17, Rnd 3 17, Rnd 4 18
Felt good

100m sprints at the top of every 3 minutes the hill starting from the stop sign
I felt good. Crisp, especially considering the work I did earlier. We (me and Tamara) did a time trial a few weeks ago in 15.7, but today we are unsure on where our starting line was. Today I started at the stop sign whereas I think before I started by the drain. Regardless the next time I go for a PR I will just do it on the track and shoot to break my high school record of 14.6 or 14.8...I'll be sure to go under 14.5 to play it safe!

Sunday, June 13, 2010

Olympic lifting sequence continued

Sunday 06/13/10
Didn't sleep the best last night. It's hot. ~7.5hrs
Had some beers last night (delicious Ninja Porter from Asheville Brewing Co. located conveniently just across the st. from my gym)

10 snatches @ 80% (85lbs
45x5, 65x3,85,F,85,85,85,F,85,85,85,85,85,85
Coaching in between took almost 30 minutes for 12 lifts

10 full squat clean and split jerks @ 80% (115lbs)
85x1, 110x1, 115R, 115L,115R,115L,115R,115L,115R,115L,115R,115L

It's my friend Kyle's 30th bday so I did 30 burpees for time before leaving the gym. 1:22.

Monday 06/14/10 6hrs of sleep, then an amazing 3hr nap b/w morning and evening classes!
Rest Day. Left shoulder is bothersome. We went tubing down the Davidson River yesterday and I seemed to further irritate it trying to paddle myself around Corey worked on it. Feeling better already, but want to rest it a bit. Just some anterior shoulder irritation.

Tuesday 06/15/10 7hrs of sleep. no nap
O-lifting continued. Shoulder feeling better. Corey treated it again (after I nagged him. haha)

Hang snatch @ 70% (75lbs) 8x2 at relaxed pace. Bunch of people in the gym so I took 21 minutes to complete these 16 lifts. No misses, but catching more on my heels than I would like. Particularly being that I never want to catch on my heels! Otherwise feel good.

Hang squat clean and jerk @ 70% (105lbs) 5x2 again at a relaxed pace. Alternated lead legs on split every set. About 10 minutes for all lifts. I think these multiple reps from the hang are what irritated my shoulder. In particular, when I bring it down from the overhead position back to the front rack. As a result I started throwing the wght down from overhead and taking the 2nd rep from the ground. I was also letting the bar dip down a bit after catching it overhead.

Still debating if I'm going to WOD or run sprints today...
WOD it was. The WOD at CrossFit Asheville AMRAP in 10 minutes of 7 deadlifts (135lbs), 7 knees to elbows, 7 burpees. 9 Rnds+5 deadlifts

Wednesday: Rest Day

Thursday Am 20x85lbs snatch missed 1 behind
PM started C&J @ 80% did 4 115lbs shoulder (L) was sore and bothersome. Ended up doing back sqts at 88lbs 2x12 EMOM felt good. 2nd half learning how to push more. excited to complete this series
3 hill sprints at home. with dogs. fairly chill pace

Friday Hang clean EMOM @ 80% (103lbs) missed 2nd rep, Deadlift @ 60% (143lbs) 2x12 felt good. Shoulder feelign better today. Not going overhead until tomorrow.

Saturday: Drank pizza and drank about 5 beers last night. Definitely feel toxic today. Did CFA's WOD "Franzilla"today especially b/c I really didn't want to. 21 front squats (7-7-7), 21 pullups (16-5), 15 push jerks (5-5-5), 15 pullups (9-6), 9 thrusters (3-3-3), 9 pullups (9) in 7:55 with 95lbs. Felt fairly smooth considering. I hate heavy thrusters!

Sunday: Ran mile on track to pace Tamara for a time we went 132, 305, 440, 625ish. This is a big improvement for her. I felt pretty good. Afterwards we went back to the gym and did 5x5 back squats @ 145lbs. My present 5RM is 148lbs so I'll take this. My chest was droppign a bit on the last couple reps of the last two sets. I rested 3-5 minutes b/w lifts.

Saturday, June 12, 2010

New Back Squat PR

Squatting is probably my weakest link in CrossFit. Why? Largely because the last three years I have spent CFing it is the thing I do the least...perhaps with the exception of L-sits. I have started squatting more over the past six months and this summer I am going to be squatting A LOT more.

I back squatted 160lbs back at the end of 2008 and then 6-9 months later when I tried maxing out my bck sqt again it was down to 150lbs. Shocking? No, b/c I didn't back squat during this time. I was a big cherry picker with strength training. Over the past year I've gotten it back up to 162lbs and then at the end of April I brought my 5rep to 147lbs and knew that I had a better one rep in me. Well, since I am preparing to do a strength cycle I want to know accurate 1RMs to base percentages off. So, today although feeling a bit worn down I went for it.

Results? I set a new PR by 18lbs hitting 180lbs. I was pleasantly surprised. The best/worst part is that it didn't even feel difficult as I imagine a heavy squat to feel. Here is a link to a large reason why I know it felt this way. The young yet wise Dutch Lowy discusses that strength is often not about an individual's size, but rather the amount of muscle mass you can activate. I was well aware of how little muscle mass I was able to activate today. While I was happy with the improvement, I definitely felt like my body cannot figure out how/where to contract in order to push out of the bottom of a squat. I have a great strength plan for the summer with lots of dynamic effort work. The focus on this is learning how to stand FAST! I'll keep you all posted.
Today's progression:
5x88lbs, 3x115lbs, 2x125lbs, 2x135lbs, 1x145lbs, 1x155lbs, 1x165lbs PR, 1x175lbs PR, 1x185lbsF (dropped chest), 1x180lbs PR!, 1x182.5lbsF (accidentally loaded bar wrong...guess that means it's time to be done!)

Day two of the Olympic Lifting series to build up for some new records in the snatch and clean and jerk.
Hang snatch @ 70% max snatch 8x2 for the snatch (75lbs) ~EMOM. Hit all and felt great.
Hang clean and split jerk (alternating lead legs) @ 70% max C&J (103lbs) Hit all and felt a bit tired.

Time to eat and then nap!

Tuesday, June 8, 2010

100m time trial, Max hang clean, 500m row PR

06/07/10 ~7.5hrs sleep
50 chest to bar pullups 23 consecutive then of 3:27 for the 50. Corey took 5-7 reps away.

100m sprints
15.7, 16.4, 15.9
100m route is NOT on a track, but rather fairly flat the first 40m and then a decent climb (may 50% grade) for the last 60m. Welcome to Asheville. Hopefully I'll be able to break 14.5 on a track. My best 100m in high school was 14.8 my senior year. I don't think we ever did 100m time trials in college. At least not with the distance crew. haha My "untrained speed" has always been pathetic. I worked for it a lot during high school. I remember odd things and below are my yearly time trial times through high school:
freshman year: 17.8
sophomore year: 16.5
junior year: 15.7
senior year: 14.8 200m: 30.3, 400m 62.4, 800m 2:19 (relay), 1600m 5:05, 3200m 11:05 in college I never improved these times, but I ran a 5k in 18:02 (2001) and 10k in 37:14??

06/08/10 ~7hrs sleep
hang clean finding a max
5x45, 5x65, 5x88, 3x108, 1x118, 1x128lbs, 1x133lbs stood it up, but my chest dropped. Max for today. Previous best was 3x125lbs.
Partner WOD with noon class
In a group of two complete 2 rounds of:
20 manmakers (8lbs dumbbells), 40 burpees, 60 double unders. Only one person working at a time, while resting the partner resting must hold a plate overhead. I held a 10lbs plate and coached the class while doing so. That was a fun experience. Where's the camera when you need it? My partner, Jess, and I split the reps in half. Overall time of 14:58ish. Planned to do HSPUs after the noon class, but participation in this WOD was unplanned. Will save those HSPUs for Thursday!

06/09/10 ~6hrs sleep
4 sets of max handstand push ups at the top of every 3 minutes. Used parallettes and bands. Red band over 8' bar, purple band as harness. Head touched ground for each. Parallettes sat on red square mat to prevent slip.
Rnd 1: 14
Rnd 2: 10
Rnd 3: 10
Rnd 4: 8

06/10/10 ~7hrs sleep
Rowing is NOT a strength of mine. At the SE regionals I dug myself a hole not only on the squat clean (50th place with 140lbs as max squat clean). Then, I don't even know what place in the 2 rounds of 500m row, 25 burpee hurdles. Not quite as bad as the squat clean being that I could redeem myself a bit on burpees as I was unphased on the row, but just couldn't pull for shit. I averaged like 2:07 for each 500m. My old PR is 1:55 from well over a year ago. I dont' think I have attempted a p.r. since. I hate to row and rarely do it....until this summer that is.
David put me on the spot in the middle of the 9am class and told me to row a 500 with him. I wasn't warmed up, but you don't need to be too warm to row. It was good for me, as with the eyes of the class watching my screen I was even pulling at 1:46 and 1:48 for a bit...I have NEVER even been able to get the monitor to read under 1:50 for a few pulls of literally anything. My overall time was 1:51.5! 4 seconds off my old time! I guess I'm starting to figure something out.
Did the WOD with the 6:30pm class AMRAP in 8 minutes of 8 plyo push-ups (slapped the chest) and 16 kettlebell snatches @ 35lbs. Was being a baby about some potential tears on my hand that I did not want to reopen. I was not hitting my KB snatches very clean, as the day after I have the forearm bruises to prove it. 3 rnds+14 reps.
400m run on the hill loop 1:21

6/11/10 sleep ~5hrs
O-lifting tons for the next two weeks or so and then going for new 1RMs. Coach Wilkes from CF Chesapeake gave me this series to ready me for some new PRs. Today was the first day.
15 snatches @ 80% ~every minute on the minute (85lbs) Missed one of the 15. He didn't tell me to go EMOM, but I was rushed for time to coach the next class.
15 squat clean and split jerk (alternating lead legs) @ 80% (115lbs)again ~EMOM, no misses

I am feeling the lack of sleep with the first week back after vacation. Difficult to get back on schedule especially in regards to going to sleep at night which trying to get caught with emails and what not.

Sunday, June 6, 2010

First day back=Start of Strength Cycle

Post Southeast regionals and 4 days in Jamaica with my husband Corey.

Body is feeling a bit rough after a week of not excessive at any one point, but consistent alcohol and simple sugar consumption. The first thing I did when I got home was make a salad with fresh greens, avocado, EVOO and delicious spices. The only thing missing was some steak. Had a couple beers and smores with reeses cups last night so I'm not back on 100% clean or anything.
Warm-up: 500m row (2:03) it is all I can do to pull under 2:00 for any pace. I hit 1:57 and 1:59 for a bit, but unable to maintain it. David says he can see what I'm doing wrong. Sooo, we're sure as hell going to keep working on it. Foam roll and then...

Clean and Jerk @ 70% of max 1x12@60sec
Did full squat cleans and push jerks 101lbs was 70%. Used 103lbs. Felt smooth. My push jerks didn't start to feel right until about the 6th lift, but it is good to work them.

Deadlift @ 50% of max 2x12@60sec
Used 120lbs. Felt good. Still hard for me to feel like I am standing up fast enough, but I am working on it.

Overall, I am stiff today from a week of little to no movement and little to no stretching. My low back was a bit tight for the C&J but felt fine for the DL. Will see my husband Corey for some ART this week and my housemate Kat for some drop table work on my pelvis. I am super thankful for the regular access I have to quality bodywork. Kat is becoming a bad ass CFer herself. It definitely makes a difference when the doc can directly relate to the demands CFers expect of their bodies.