Thursday April 16, 2009: Sleep 6 hrs, 3 hr nap!! Nap felt amazing!
Rest Day!! Did minimal agility work and a few muscle-ups. Was almost able to string 3 in a row. My wrists are pretty ripped up.
Friday April 17, 2009: Sleep 5.5hrs, no nap. :(
Strength/skill work: Noonish
Snatch practice: Did 3-5 snatch balances at each of the following weights, rested 1-2 minutes and hit 3-5 snatches per weight. 45lbs, 55, 60, 65, 70, 75lbs. The snatches at 75 were not the prettiest. I did 5 singles with about a minute rest b/w each. All were caught pretty much completely upright and would have to press to lock out. This equals my PR only I wasn't able to power snatch it (catch standing rather than in the squat) when I hit it before. Was feeling tired so called it quits before heading out to run.
RUN 2pm Trails at Bent Creek 3-5 min walk warm-up, 2 strides 10 squats. Started at first trail sign about trees growing high? (sorry this means nothing to u) on wolf lodge trail. 60sec on, 60sec rest, 60sec on, 50sec R, 60sec on 40sec R, 60sec on, 30sec R, 60sec on 20sec R, 60sec on 10sec R, 60sec on (turned around at 10 min which was 30sec into this 60sec on...turned at gate by lodge) 20sec R, 60sec on 30sec R, 60sec on 40sec R, 60sec on 50sec R, 60sec on 60sec R, 60sec on 60 sec R, 60sec on...hit start point at 20:25. The way back had some substantial uphills that I hit on the running portion of the way out so hard to say if it was just more challenging home or how much I slowed. Felt fairly consistent. Total run: ~2miles
Had plans of hitting a WOD in the pm but without a nap I was feeling quite sluggish. Just b/c I'm focused on the regionals now I still need to stay smart to allow proper recovery.
Videos are of standing box jumps off padded carpet. The first (sorry for the sideways shot) was at 37.5" and the 2nd is a miss at 39". As you'll see I get both feet up there but unable to stand it up. Next time...