Monday April 27, 2009 Sleep 7.5hrs, 1hr nap
21-15-9 of:
Time: 12:43
Missed 2 of the snatches. Went a fairly conservative pace with them. First set of 21 pull-ups did 16 and 5 then 15 and 9 straight.
Tuesday April 28, 2009 Sleep 7 hrs, 1hr nap
RUN: 5pm Tabata hill intervall 8x 20sec on/10sec off
Ran with Lloyd on leash. He wasn't too much of a problem just made it a little slow on some of the starts. Ran hill in dev. next to my apt. Aster Way or something like that. I did hill repeats on this a few weeks ago with James. This time I made it just over the crest at the top (probably 20m past) during the last 20 second run. I ran a couple strides and walked the dogs for warm-up and cool down. Hoka ran too but doesn't bother the neighbors' dogs so was off the leash. Lloyd is a dane mix and a little more intimidating if he sees other dogs to go sniff.
I'll call it a half mile for today.
WOD: 8:30pm
"The Hilt"
100lb squat cleans,
Did this one solo. A 3 second improvement with a weight 2lbs heavier from when I did this WOD on 3/24/09. It's minimal, but I'll take it. I remember it seeming MUCH harder last time as well. When I do work-outs by myself I tend not to push as hard, but try to just move steadily through it.
Wednesday April 29, 2009 Sleep 6hrs, no nap TIRED
2hr hike in afternoon with dogs. Easy pace. Mild hills to climb.
Strength/Skill Work: 8:00pm
Shoulder press 10x 45, 5x65, 75, 3x80 1x95, 1x99.1lbs PR then back down to 5x75, 75, 75lbs
WOD 8:30pm
As Many Rounds As Possible in 10 minutes of
200m run, 20 Knees to Elbows
5 rounds plus about 30m run
I probably did about 5-8 extra knees to elbows. I was being really strict with myself. If I did not make contact with my knees it didn't count. I don't want to get into the regional and be pissed off because someone tells me a rep didn't count. I'm a strickler on form with myself and clients as it is, but want to be extra certain here with just over 2 weeks to go!!
Thursday April 30, 2009 Sleep 7.5hrs, 1hr nap
Rest Day!
I don't feel horrible, but am making myself rest after 3 work days and sub par sleep. I did a few handstands and maybe like 3 muscle ups but other than that it was a strict rest.
Friday May 1, 2009: Sleep 6hrs
Friday May 1, 2009: Sleep 6hrs
Strength/Skill Work Noonish:
Double under practice
Light Push Jerk practice 5x 45, 65, 75, 86, 95, 100lbs
Skill Work 5:30pm : Jumped in with my class for some max effort box jumps. No falls this time and I hit 39.5" this time. If you see the video from below I wiped out pretty just under 2 weeks ago at 39". Two inch improvement. I'll take it. Next time...40!
Would still like to get in a WOD tonight. Need Corey to work on my hamstring. Want to do the double under and heavy DL WOD but it may wait until tomorrow. Maybe I'll do running and double unders tonight. TBC...
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