I back squatted 160lbs back at the end of 2008 and then 6-9 months later when I tried maxing out my bck sqt again it was down to 150lbs. Shocking? No, b/c I didn't back squat during this time. I was a big cherry picker with strength training. Over the past year I've gotten it back up to 162lbs and then at the end of April I brought my 5rep to 147lbs and knew that I had a better one rep in me. Well, since I am preparing to do a strength cycle I want to know accurate 1RMs to base percentages off. So, today although feeling a bit worn down I went for it.
Results? I set a new PR by 18lbs hitting 180lbs. I was pleasantly surprised. The best/worst part is that it didn't even feel difficult as I imagine a heavy squat to feel. Here is a link to a large reason why I know it felt this way. The young yet wise Dutch Lowy discusses that strength is often not about an individual's size, but rather the amount of muscle mass you can activate. I was well aware of how little muscle mass I was able to activate today. While I was happy with the improvement, I definitely felt like my body cannot figure out how/where to contract in order to push out of the bottom of a squat. I have a great strength plan for the summer with lots of dynamic effort work. The focus on this is learning how to stand FAST! I'll keep you all posted.
Today's progression:
5x88lbs, 3x115lbs, 2x125lbs, 2x135lbs, 1x145lbs, 1x155lbs, 1x165lbs PR, 1x175lbs PR, 1x185lbsF (dropped chest), 1x180lbs PR!, 1x182.5lbsF (accidentally loaded bar wrong...guess that means it's time to be done!)
Day two of the Olympic Lifting series to build up for some new records in the snatch and clean and jerk.
Hang snatch @ 70% max snatch 8x2 for the snatch (75lbs) ~EMOM. Hit all and felt great.
Hang clean and split jerk (alternating lead legs) @ 70% max C&J (103lbs) Hit all and felt a bit tired.
Time to eat and then nap!
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