Friday afternoon 6/25/2010 (tired, but stubborn)
I took the past two days off after the max rep deads. i didn't feel badly, but my sleep was not optimal and Corey made a big deal that I needed to "respect that workout". So, with a history of low back issues I sure did.
With two days in a row off and Corey going after a bodyweight snatch I thought I could sneak in a max effort as well. I know I JUST said in my last post that I was giving up on this, but ya know I thought I'd try.
Snatch: Do not have my progression on me, but I hit 100lbs and missed 105lbs. Not much new here.
Power clean and split jerk
1x105lbs (Left lead leg)
1x115lbs (right lead leg)
1x125lbs (left lead leg)
1x135lbs (right lead leg)
1x145lbsF on clean
1x140lbs (right lead leg)
1x145lbs F on clean
Done for day. My old PR is 145lbs @ sectionals on March 6th. This is the heaviest I've put overhead (or on my shoulders) in the gym. I struggle to get myself psyched up in the gym. I power cleaned 150lbs at regionals a month ago, but could not stand up the front squat.
WOD "Nasty Girls"
3 rounds of:
50 squats
7 muscle ups
10 hang power cleans @ 95lbs
Rnd 1: ~3:00
Rnd 2: ~6:30
Overall time: 9:40
PR by 10 seconds from last October (950) and a year ago time of 1345. I didn't realize I had gone sub 10 until after I did this. I need to get faster with my MUs. I am too cautious. I didn't miss any today though.
Dynamic effort back squat 2x12 EMOM @ 60% max (108lbs) felt solid
21 kettlebell thrusters with 35lbs bells
500m row
15 KBTs
9 KBTs
500m row
Two of my LEAST favorite things. This is my focus for the year...do WODs you dread.
21: 7 in 0:40 13 in 1:50, 21 in 3:05
row #1 at damper setting of 3 2:02.1
15: 5 in 7:10, 10 in 7:58, 15 in 8:40
row #2 2:05.9 at damper setting of 5
9 straight
row #3 at damper setting of 1 2:05.9
Overall time 15:58
The row was so hard for me. I was pulling stroke rate of 22-28. My ass was burning. Ugh. KBs felt good though. I'm happy for that.
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