Back squat 12x2@60s@60% 5RM 103lbs
30 untimed burpees for my 29th bday (ya know, one to grow on)
Tuesday Sept 21, 2010 Sleep: 7hrs no nap
Clean and push jerk 90% estimated 5RM 106lbs 6x2@120s good.
Run 12x60seconds on/30 seconds off in hilly neighborhood near my house. Steady effort. Felt good except left medial heel which continuous to be bothersome from back in Aug.
Wednesday 6hrs sleep tired
Deadlift: 12x2@60% (140lbs) @ 30s Solid
Thursday : off
Friday Sept 24, 2010
HSPU Tabata interval hands on one 45lbs plate, head to abmat , feet must stay against wall. Kicked into HS @ start of 20s: 63/3/1/1/2/2/2=20
Power clean & split jerk @ 101lbs alternating lead leg 5x4@120s@70%
Tossed down from overhead. Feeling tired and can't control down. Body does not know how to breathe into hold tight torso for overhead. 50-56s, last set 46s
WOD: Cleaning House-solo effort
20 power cleans@95lbs (~60s), 400m run (2:06), 20 C2B pullups (consecutive) 3:48.
Can go faster on cleans and run-tired, sluggish. Need to work butterfly kip. All regular kip.
Saturday Sept 25, 2010
Back squat 90% 5x3@180s Felt great! (153lbs)
Row: 12 min steady 1290m in 6 min ~219 ave, 2k in 915, 2612m in 12 minutes for ave of 214. Felt comfortable averaged 24-26 S/M.
Sunday Sept 26, 2010 Good sleep! 930pm-8ish
Deadlift 90% (211lbs) 5x3@90s Felt good. First rep slow on all. L hamstring tight-favoring R leg noticed especially on last set of DLs.
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