Tuesday October 5, 2010: Sleep: 6hrs
Max rep back squats @ 135# in 30s @ top of every 3 minutes
Mentally unmotivated. Totally undershot going into first set w/initial goal of 7. Hit that at half way and backed off. Kept stopping early on first 3 rounds! Had 2-3s and felt defeated.
Wednesday October 6 sleep: 7.5hrs
FS@ 70% (95lbs) 12x2@30s
Plyo boxes: 5xjump on, jump off control landings. 12"/16"/16"/20"/20" I am trying to get faster in my reaction time. My distance runner background haunted me at the Garage Games when we had 40 box jumps for time. I was smoked regardless of the fact that I didn't stop to rest. I'm simply slower than the others.
Box hurdles 5x8"/12"/12"/16"/20"
3xPlyometric landing (or at least working towards this...see video) 8"/8"/12"
Shoulder Press: 5x3@90% 5RM (75lbs)@90s 75lbs
Row 1k 2:07 goal pace 4:14.3, 3 minutes rest repeat with goal of 2:06 pace: 4:06.7 PR SR~26 til last 100m then up to 30 s/m.
Thursday October 7, 2010
Deadlift@60% 12x2@30s@140lbs felt good
3 Rnds 30s work/30s rest of ring dips, bar weight OHS (45lbs), Ball slam with 12lbs
Rnd 1 10/15/26=51
Rnd 2 10/17/25=52
Rnd 3 10/19/25=54
Friday October 8th in afternoon at CF Ultimate.
Snatch 45/75/95/100/105/110lbs PR!, F three attempts at 115lbs (BW soon!)
Clean and Jerk 95/115/125/135/145/150 PR! by 10lbs on clean and 5lbs on jerk.
Worked hard to stand up the 150lbs clean. Attempted clean at 155lbs. Mentally done.
Saturday October 9th, 2010
Deadlift: Max reps in 30s at top of every 3 minutes at 80%5RM or 185lbs!
17/16/15/15=63 total up four reps from last time!
Sunday October 10th, 2010
Rest day....hiked Spivey Mtn with my dogs and Corey. Yesterday was Octoberfest here in AVL. Enough said.
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