Monday, December 13, 2010

Oct 11-17th, 2010 OHS/Snatch/Clean PRs

Monday October 11, 2010
: sleep~7hrs, 1.5hr nap!
Back squat 70% (120#) 12x2@30seconds HARD!
Snatch below the knee 5x3 working up to 75lbs
Snatch 5x3 up to 95lbs F on 3rd rep
Clean below the knee 5x3 up to 105lbs
Tired so stopped before the C&J.

Tuesday October 12, 2010: Sleep ~7hrs, 20 min nap
Goal of 100m handstand walk: 20m 2:05, 40m 5:50, 60m 9:36....called it for today.
Heavy FS @ 95% of 5RM so 128lbs: 5x3@top of 90seconds. Felt great!

Wednesday October 13, 2010: Sleep: 5.5hrs, 20min nap. Trouble falling asleep.
11am: Snatch: 5x3 up to 90lbs
Clean and jerk 5x3 up to 105lbs
Push jerk 4x4 up to 105lbs

OHS Again Faster Team 2RM attempt 2x98, 1x110, 2x125, 2x135, F on jerk of 145, F on OHS @ 145lbs...made it into bottom, but unable to stand up.

345pm: Dogs to WWC. Ran some 1-2minutes about 30s-2min rest between each for 25 minutes. How's that for specific training. haha. Felt steady.

Thursday October 14, 2010 Sleep: not ideal ~6.5hrs
DL dynamic effort @ 70% 5RM 165lbs 12x2@30s
Back squat 5x3@95% present 5RM so 161lbs felt good.

Friday October 15, 2010 Sleep ~6hrs, no nap. :( Rough week of sleep. R leg achey @ lateral hip, knee, ankle probably due to lack of sleep and poor mechanics throughout the day.
Test run for tomorrow's CFA WOD:
5 min of EMOM of
10 20" box jumps
10 Russian swings with 44lbs
35-40s per round

Saturday October 16, 2010 Sleep 9hrs!!!
Pendlay Cert
Snatch: 65/75/85F/95x2/100/105/110/115F/115! PR/1175 Fx3-4 attempts Jumping forward!!
Clean: 75, 95, 115, 125, 135, 145,155PR, 160 PR, 165PR, 170F-hit shoulders though, but not ready for it! Soon! PR on FS with the 165 too!
6PM Hill runs at Dunsmore's house. Feeling motivated post seminar. 10 min AMRAP alternating med hill adn short hill for 5 sprints each. Oh, what a little sleep can do!

Sunday October 17, 2010 Sleep 2am-7am Mild hang over. Awake with excitement. Rest day.

Monday, December 6, 2010

Oct 4-10, 2010 Max rep DLs@185lbs

Monday October 4, 2010:
Rest day Sleep: 7hrs+1hr nap

Tuesday October 5, 2010: Sleep: 6hrs
Max rep back squats @ 135# in 30s @ top of every 3 minutes
Mentally unmotivated. Totally undershot going into first set w/initial goal of 7. Hit that at half way and backed off. Kept stopping early on first 3 rounds! Had 2-3s and felt defeated.

Wednesday October 6 sleep: 7.5hrs
FS@ 70% (95lbs) 12x2@30s
Plyo boxes: 5xjump on, jump off control landings. 12"/16"/16"/20"/20" I am trying to get faster in my reaction time. My distance runner background haunted me at the Garage Games when we had 40 box jumps for time. I was smoked regardless of the fact that I didn't stop to rest. I'm simply slower than the others.
Box hurdles 5x8"/12"/12"/16"/20"
3xPlyometric landing (or at least working towards this...see video) 8"/8"/12"

Shoulder Press: 5x3@90% 5RM (75lbs)@90s 75lbs

Row 1k 2:07 goal pace 4:14.3, 3 minutes rest repeat with goal of 2:06 pace: 4:06.7 PR SR~26 til last 100m then up to 30 s/m.

Thursday October 7, 2010
Deadlift@60% 12x2@30s@140lbs felt good
3 Rnds 30s work/30s rest of ring dips, bar weight OHS (45lbs), Ball slam with 12lbs
Rnd 1 10/15/26=51
Rnd 2 10/17/25=52
Rnd 3 10/19/25=54

Friday October 8th in afternoon at CF Ultimate.
Snatch 45/75/95/100/105/110lbs PR!, F three attempts at 115lbs (BW soon!)
Clean and Jerk 95/115/125/135/145/150 PR! by 10lbs on clean and 5lbs on jerk.
Worked hard to stand up the 150lbs clean. Attempted clean at 155lbs. Mentally done.

Saturday October 9th, 2010
Deadlift: Max reps in 30s at top of every 3 minutes at 80%5RM or 185lbs!
17/16/15/15=63 total up four reps from last time!

Sunday October 10th, 2010
Rest day....hiked Spivey Mtn with my dogs and Corey. Yesterday was Octoberfest here in AVL. Enough said.

Saturday, December 4, 2010

Sept 27-Oct 3 Hang snatch 10lbs PR

Monday September 27, 2010
Front squats: Max reps @ 80% 108lbs in 30s @ the top of every 3 minutes

5 minute rest

Run/Row WOD
Alternating between 200m run and 200m row @ top of every 3 minutes. Goal of getting faster for each.
200m run times: 49/47/46
200m row times: 45.3/43.7/42.7

Tuesday September 28, 2010
Snatch 80% (70lbs) 4x4@120s 23/18/17/16s
Tabata ring dips w/no band 9/6/4/3/4/3/4/3=36

Wednesday September 29, 2010
Push-press Goal of 110lbsx5
10x45lbs, 5x55lbs, 3x75lbs, 1x95lbs, 1x105lbs, 4x110lbs F on 5!, 5x105lbs (Arching a bit in the back especially with 110lbs)
WOD "Ninja D"
10 HPC @ 95lbs
30 box jumps (20") 130ish
10 HPC @ 95lbs
20 box jumps 3;02
10 HPC
10 box jumps 3:48 total

Thursday September 30, 2010 Tired 6hrs of sleep. Tried to rest in afternoon, but unsuccessful.
WOD "Tic Tok"
7 Rnds of 5 burpees, 50 ft walking lunge w/50lb sandbag, 5 C2B pullups: 903

Friday October 1, 2010 Sleep: 6hrs
Rest day-cleaned my house for ~6hrs. literally...involved organizing too!

Saturday October 2, 2010 Sleep: 7.5hrs
Tabata box jumps to 12" 17/18/18/18/17/18/19/18/19
Trying to increase my speed on and off. Goal is to stay on 12" until I can hit 20 reps or more for each.

Sunday October 3, 2010 Sleep: 10hrs
Feeling achey. Like I'm getting sick.
Hang snatch: 5x45lbs, 3x65lbs, 1x75lbs, 5x85lbs, 1x90lbs, 1x95lbs, 1x100lbs PR, 105F, 1x105lbs PR!

Thursday, December 2, 2010

Sept 20-26 Back squat & Front squat @ 90%

We opened the new space for CFA on Monday, Sept 20th! Here is a picture of my husband Corey (on left) and one of CFA's great coaches, Sean (on right) toasting overtop of my dog Lloyd.

Monday Sept 20th, 2010 Sleep: 6hrs +40min nap
Back squat 12x2@60s@60% 5RM 103lbs
30 untimed burpees for my 29th bday (ya know, one to grow on)

Tuesday Sept 21, 2010 Sleep: 7hrs no nap
Clean and push jerk 90% estimated 5RM 106lbs 6x2@120s good.

Run 12x60seconds on/30 seconds off in hilly neighborhood near my house. Steady effort. Felt good except left medial heel which continuous to be bothersome from back in Aug.

Wednesday 6hrs sleep tired
Deadlift: 12x2@60% (140lbs) @ 30s Solid

Thursday : off

Friday Sept 24, 2010
HSPU Tabata interval hands on one 45lbs plate, head to abmat , feet must stay against wall. Kicked into HS @ start of 20s: 63/3/1/1/2/2/2=20
Power clean & split jerk @ 101lbs alternating lead leg 5x4@120s@70%
Tossed down from overhead. Feeling tired and can't control down. Body does not know how to breathe into hold tight torso for overhead. 50-56s, last set 46s

WOD: Cleaning House-solo effort
20 power cleans@95lbs (~60s), 400m run (2:06), 20 C2B pullups (consecutive) 3:48.
Can go faster on cleans and run-tired, sluggish. Need to work butterfly kip. All regular kip.

Saturday Sept 25, 2010
Back squat 90% 5x3@180s Felt great! (153lbs)
Row: 12 min steady 1290m in 6 min ~219 ave, 2k in 915, 2612m in 12 minutes for ave of 214. Felt comfortable averaged 24-26 S/M.

Sunday Sept 26, 2010 Good sleep! 930pm-8ish
Deadlift 90% (211lbs) 5x3@90s Felt good. First rep slow on all. L hamstring tight-favoring R leg noticed especially on last set of DLs.