Active rest day. Dogs to park with some lunges/squats there.
Tuesday Aug 31, 2010 Sleep ~7.5 hrs
Tabata Row for warm up: 81m/84/82/82/85/83/83/86m
Clean & push jerk 70% 4x5 @ 120seconds 41s/40s/35s/29s
Didn't put the bar down on the last. I need to work on this.
Partial WOD
1 Rnd of a WOD Rx'd @ 5 Rnds
5 95lbs squat clean thrusters, 10 C2B pullups 1:04
Dehydrated and generally unmotivated.
~10min nap and lots of water.
Back squat: 12x2@30s@50%/95lbs
Wenesday Sept 1, 2010 Sleep: 6hrs, 1.5hr nap
Hang snatch 80% 4x4@120s 78lbs ~14s each...held onto bar on descend.
Max rep deadlift in 30 seconds @ 60% 5RM 135lbs 4x@top of every 90seconds 22/22/21/22=87 Felt good
Thursday Sept 2, 2010 Sleep: ~7hrs
pwr clean & split jerk alternating lead leg
5x4 @ 70% 5RM (88lbs) 18s/18s19s/19s
Friday Sept 3, 2010 Sleep: ~6hrs no nap
Snatch session with Tamara working towards max
Skill work from high hang first/donkey kick work
From floor: 75/85/95/100/105 (old PR) then about 10 missed attempts at 110lbs. I typically don't allow myself that many attempts, but we had nothing better to do than attempt to throw weight overhead on a Friday afternoon. Put it overhead MANY times, but unable to stand it up. Next time!
Felt good for how fatigued I should have been @ the gym for 12 straight hours by the end of it.
Saturday Sept 4, 2010
Tired, female issues and no painkillers.
Only felt like snatching again. (the problem with never having a training plan)
Snatch from high hang with bar wght
Then about 5 snatches @ 75 and 95 Felt good.
Some power cleans and full cleans 75-95lbs.
Back squat 12x2@30s 60% 5RM (95lbs)
Grump, tired, unmotivated.
Sunday Sept 5, 2010 Good sleep
WOD: Cindy
Got talked into this one today and guess what the 3 suckers that started with me all stopped at 10 minutes and left me solo for the final 10! 20 minute AMRAP 5 pullups, 10 push ups, 15 squats
10 minutes: 11 rnds+5 reps
20 minutes: 22 Rnds+7 reps
3 reps short of even splits! Dang it! Felt controlled/comfortable. Can push towards 24 rounds next time. I haven't done this WOD since oh, grad school so probably over two years now.
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